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Cagosia is one of the most recent countries to have formed, it's lands originally filled with various clans under different banners, each of them struggling to live in the war torn lands that were the battle grounds of Alunis and Shia. Many attempts had been made to unite them in the past, either through diplomacy or force, noticeable attempts being those made by Lathan the Wise and Galathor the Wide.   However, none of these attempts were successful until Melanor Cago, with a combination of strength, diplomacy and intelligence, was able unite the warring clans under the banner of the White Tree of the Fog Lands. However, with all those who had any hints of magic within them being taken by either Alunis or Shia, they had no way to combat the Necromancers of Alunis or the Ice Mages of Shia.   Thus, Melanor gathered all of the alchemists in the land to come up with a way to combat this threat. In the meantime, various alchemists and enchanters worked together to create simple automatons that could shore up their numbers and make up for their disadvantages. Years later, when the alliance between the clans seemed to be at its breaking point, an alchemist by the name of Salanthor was able to create an oil that was highly reactive to magic, but didn't react at all to normal means of igniting it.   Using this oil, now named Salanthor Oil, they were able to dip their arrows into it, slip it into the supplies of the enemy and even launch barrels of the oil into the enemy. With both of Cagosias enemies realizing that moving through their lands was more trouble than it was worth, the stopped invading Cagoisa, and looked for other means to wage war.   The clans now united under one banner, gathered in Temmesburgh to decide on what to do. There they declared their loyalty to Melanor, and with it founded the country of Cagosia.


The current head of the royal family governs over various barons of the land. Each baron has their own town, and the lands around them are theirs to control. However, taxes must be paid to the crown and a certain number of hands must be sent to bolster the military might of Cagosia as a tithe.

Public Agenda

To use their inventions as a way to attempt to bring peace where they can, or use force if that fails.

Demography and Population

Cagosia has a current population consisting of mostly Human, Dwarf and Half-Elves.


The winter and summer wolves both protect the land during winter and summer respectably. While Witch Hunters take on the more important role in the shadows.

Technological Level

While magic is illegal or very frowned upon in most of Cagosia, they're able to make for this by having common utilities for most citizens, as well as using mechanical golems for protection.

Foreign Relations

While Cagosia currently has strained relationships with Alunis and Shia, there is a tense peace between them. Meanwhile they share a peaceful relation with both Bosque through trade and Mompi.

Agriculture & Industry

Uses the raw materials from the dense woodlands and the mountains to the west to create machinery and advance it's blossoming industry.

Trade & Transport

They trade most of their food from Mompi, as well as taking alchemical supplies in return for metals and alchemical solutions. Usually finished goods, as well as alchemical oils and concoctions are usually in high demand from other countries.


Most cities have a basic sewage system, with most of their drinking water either being purified or gathered from nearby lakes. There are two main roads that go north and south that split off to head towards smaller cities, each of them allowing quick access to the borders.

Innovation paves the way forward


  • Cagosia
Founding Date
7829 Age of Sorrows
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The country of the wolves
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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