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The people of Mompi are known for being very hospitable, while lacking in any true form of natural mineral resources, their various large fields of fertile land allows them to never really go hungry.   The supposed home land of the elves. Having been driven out during the height of the Catran Empire, the majority of the elven race returned to their homeland as half bloods. However they've opened their borders to any race of good stature since then.   Taking great care with their legacy, the inhabitants of Mompi believe that their past paves the way to their future, but that also it should never define them.


Mompi is often ruled by one of Elven Lineage, selected by the various noble families that have existed in Mompi for generations, each sacrificing something precious so that Mompi may prosper.   New noble families have joined since then, yet it is often followed or percussed by a Noble house leaving. The number of Noble houses within Mompi has never exceeded two dozen.   Each selected ruler must go through several years of training before the various nobles feel comfortable with having them take the throne. This process has also been met with corruption, at times causing nobles to take complete control until a uprising or new blood takes their place.

Public Agenda

Mompi has acted as a border force between the world and the various dangers that have come from both Alunis and Shia.   However in most cases they simply wish to try and help it's allies, it's most prevalent one being Ufrela, who they have shared an alliance with since the start of the second era.


Mompi has a well trained military, its many valleys allowing it's people to be well protected.   A large amount of food is always stored for the winter months.


Originally having it's lands conquered just before the fall of The Catran Empire, the elves of Mompi scattered to the winds, only rejoining once Irasia had done so, quickly following in their footsteps.   While the old elves of what is today Mompi had once hated outsiders, having felt what The Catran Empire had done to them, the new generation took a difference stance, attempting to grow it's now fractured population by becoming a safe haven for those who wished it.

Demography and Population

Mompi's population has been growing at a constant rate since the start of the Age of Sorrows, while once sporting a low amount of people, the fertile soil and relatively safe cities allowed an easy growth.   To this day, many cultures of what are considered good standing can be found here, particularly Elves, Humans, Haflings, Gnomes and in some places, Dwarves and Tieflings.


Mompians worship a few gods, particularly Illiphous so that their crops may prosper further, Themis so that they may be safe near his forests and Nireus so that the various rivers that flow through Mompi may being them prosperity.

Foreign Relations

Mompi's greatest ally is Ufrela, having declared the country under its protection and doing it's best to help maintain the sacred forest that they call home.   Mompi has good relations with both Cagosia and Maganoasia. Lacking in mineral resources, Mompi provides food to both during Cagosias freezing winter months and the many droughts Maganoasia suffers in return for the resources they lack.   They have had strained relations with Alunis, having come to the aid of Ufrela during their many attempted invasions. Shia on the under hand has attempted to raid them from the north as well as through Cagosia, causing them to have a sheer hatred for most Shian tribe members.

Trade & Transport

Most of Mompi's trade comes from the crops that it grows, as well as sometimes the monster parts that frequent the country. In return they gain valuable minerals that they lack, mainly metals, that they can use to supplement their military.   A large majority of this is transported using horses, though it rarely attempts at taming certain local beats have been made.

Our past isn't marked by our blood


  • Mompi
Founding Date
109 Age of Sorrows
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Articles under Mompi


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