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Kilven's Equipment and Supplies

Kilven's Equipment and Supplies is a large two story building, with double doors always open to invite in customers. On one side of the door enchanting armor sets can be seen, while on the other various rows of potions can be seen on display. With a simple sign "Kilven's Equipment and Supplies" plastered on it hanging openly to see.

Run by an Elf, Kilven's Equipment and Supplies seems to hold quiet a well stocked store, with a seemingly knowledgeable owner of the equipment he sells.


Kilven has offered to enchant most items for a price.
  • Minor Elemental enchantment for 200-400g
  • Elemental enchantment for 500-1,000g
  • Major Elemental enchantment 1,000g - 5,000g
  • +1 Weapons for 400g - 500g
  • +2 Weapons for 2,000g - 5,000g
  • +3 Weapons for 10,000g - 20,000g
  • Elemental Damage Resistance 1,000g
  • +1 Shields for 1,500g
  • +2 Shields for 8,000g
  • +3 Shields for 30,000g
  • +1 Armament Bonus for +2,000g
  • +2 Armament Bonus for +10,000g
  • +3 Armament Bonus for +50,000g
  • Adding Proficiency bonus to cantrips attack roles and damage 2000g
  • +1 to Spell Attack Roles 1000g
  • +1 to Spell Saves 2000g


Kilven has a small collection of potions available.
  • Potion of Minor Healing: 10g
  • Potion of Healing: 50g
  • Poison: 100g
  • Potion of Wind Resistance: 150g
  • Potion of Greater Healing: 150g
  • Dust of Disappearance: 300g
  • Elixir of Health: 400g
  • Potion of Superior Healing: 500g

Magical Items:

Kilven has a large collection of magical items available, notable items including:
  • Goggles of Dim Light: 150g
  • Ring of Warmth: 1000g
  • Wind Fan: 1000g
  • Goggles of Night Vision: 1500g
  • Gloves of Climbing and Swimming: 1500g
  • Fleetfooted Boots: 1500g
  • Bracelets of Archery: 1500g
  • Beads of Blessing: 1500g
  • Staff of Protection: 3000g
  • Ring of Protection: 3000g
  • Cloak of Protection: 3500g
  • Bag of Holding: 2500g


Kilven has a collection of scrolls for sale:
  • Cantrips: 10-100g
  • Level 1: 50-200g
    • Alarm: 50g
    • Burning Hands: 50g
    • Catapult: 50g
    • Jump: 50g
    • Comprehend Languages: 70g
    • Sleep: 100g
    • Disguise Self: 200g
  • Level 2: 100-300g
    • Darkvision: 150g
    • Dragons Breath: 200g
    • Hold Person: 200g
    • Enlarge/Reduce: 240g
    • Shadow Blade: 250g
    • Web: 250g
    • Invisibility: 300g
    • Melf's Acid Arrow: 300g
  • Level 3: 200-500g
    • Sending: 150g
    • Leomund's Tiny Hut: 250g
    • Haste: 300g
    • Slow: 350g
    • Revivify: 400g
    • : 400g
    • Counterspell: 450g
    • Clairvoyance: 500g
    • Dispell Magic: 500g
    • Glyph of Warding: 550g
Shop, Magic
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