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The hometown of the Banith family, and capital of Irasia. Anihild stands as a bastion of safety in the center of the Green Plains . A large sprawling city that has slowly grown over the years, many of it's buildings made of whatever wood could be scrounged in almost a fifty kilometers area, built in a style similar to that of Szetia, most of it's first architects originally hailing from that region. Now, with it's beautiful buildings, it stands out against the boring drab of the endless plains around it.   While it's beauty may be great, it's purpose as a bastion against any force that may make it's way west from Funhia still remains. With a stalwart defense that only a dozen other settlements may compare to, Anihild remains as the only untouched point of Irasia to have never been conquered in it's many years of existence.


Consisting of mostly Humans that have called Irasia home for years, Anihild also is home to Dwarves, Gnomes, Haflings and Tabaxi in spades. Tabaxi have migrated south over thousands of years of trade, and many race of smaller stature finding a place in the many miles of farmland or a place in Irasias active military.


On a daily basis, special mages are hired and paid well to clean and maintain the city. Often given the nickname Rag Mage, these magic casters allows to the city to maintain a clean environment. However, while the city may be well kept, problems of water consumption have started to become a problem within the last few years. Otherwise, it's home to a series of aqueducts that provide water throughout the large city. The underwater reserves under the city having long since been run dry. The many farms that surround the city, as well as the many hours that are spent cleaning it, mean that the city is cleaner than one would expect.


The city is home to blacksmiths, stables, temples, guardstations and most buildings that a city this size would need. However none are as used as the Anihild Bank, allowing most of Anihilds citizens to safely store what little money they have.   Many businesses have attempted to set up shop within the city, however none are as famous as Kilven's Equipment and Supplies . Originally having begun as a small traveler stand thousands of years ago, it now stands as one of the largest stores for fitting new and old adventurers.   The Green Rock has also become a favorite inn for new travelers, it's large and affordable rooms a common recommendations for visitor who have the time.

Guilds and Factions

The Adventurer's Guild often sponsors new and upcoming adventures, while the notable Banith and Ulril families can often be heard in rumors of political schemes to one up the other.
Alternative Name(s)
Capital of Irasia
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