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The Great Bosque Forest

The Great Bosque Forest is said to be one of the oldest known origins of life, with the oldest known records and remains being found within its vast forest. Contained by the sheer rock walls to the East and North, with the Gnomes controlling the only known way to climb them, the dangeous volcanic paths to the South East and the harsh deserts of Alunis to the North West, rarely did the Dragonborn that called the forest home leave. Meanwhile, the harsh forest of Bosque, who's dangerous flora and fauna caused many a expedition into the forest to be lost.  
While the original 26 tribes of the Kal'Utan were the ones that called the mighty forest their home, by the time first contact was estabilished by Haskrel's expedition, these had been brought down to 16. It's said that while disease and feral creatures eventually laid waste to those tribes, the true cause was the Ancient Dragon Calathorn, and that those tribes had disturbed their precious garden they so carefully cared for with their waring and careless nature.      
However, during the Age of Prayers, the Leviathan Utan began a rampage which disrupted the natural order of the forest. Because of this, many of the clans united under one ruler, the 'Lock's who rallied them to work together to defeat the great beast. To this day, it's giant skeleton can still be found in the forest, scavengers attempting to sneak past the various creatures that call it home to claim some of it's remains.   Not much is known about Calathorn's garden, but those who have had the misfortune of entering it have said that the only way to leave it is to offer something to add to their ever growing garden. Some have stated that his garden has been hollowed out under the great forests, while others say that it's simply covered in a green mist, hiding it from view.


All of the land of Bosque is covered in a thick jungle with almost no light filtering in through the dense foliage, with those braven enough to venture into the forest having to bring torches, even during the day. While the roads have been made safe through centuries of protection, no one that has ventured into the dark forest unprepared has come out the same, if ever at all.   Meanwhile, the actual forest is surrounded by sheer cliffs to it's eastern side, a harsh dessert to it's north and dangeous subterranean tunnels filled with magma to it's south. Each providing a natural defense, however each also causing a natural barrier from the outside world. While the cliffs have a known safe way to scale it's sheer face, the Gnomes are adamant on not letting anything through without several measures in place to prevent the spread of dangerous diseases.
Giant Deer.jpg

Fauna & Flora

Due to the isolated nature of Bosque, many of it's more dangerous flora and fauna have been allowed to evolve past the point where easily dealing with them is not possible anymore. This, along with the variety of ley lines that Bosque rests over, has caused a large increase in the sheer scale of them, anywhere from giant plants, insects, mammals, reptiles, and so on.

Natural Resources

While the Kal'Utan has a lack of mineral resources, it more than makes up for it in it's knowledge of herbal remedies, wood craftsmanship and it's particular brand of binding magic, which it's many disciples have used to great effect in taming various wild beasts.


  • Bosque
Alternative Name(s)
The Green City, The Great Forest, The Deep Green
Forest, Jungle (Tropical)
Included Organizations
Owning Organization

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