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Ufrela is the country of halflings and gnomes who call the Antina Forest home. Spread through the 5 large cities that inhabit the forest, they guard, tend to and cherish the land around them. Taking the protection of their forest seriously, the Glade Guard defend it from the forces of Alunis who often attempt to claim the forest that they had once called their own and to the south they protect against the wild untamed Bosque forest.   Ufrela has no love for war however, instead focusing much of their attention on creating works of art and craftsmanship. Taking inspiration from the beautiful forest around them, often calling it the forest of eternal spring.   Many of the goods the create are traded with Mompi and Cagosia, both countries who can appreciate Ufrela's tendency towards works of art.   The forest protects those who treat it well. It's often whispered that a child lost in the forest of can find their way home without trouble.


  • Ufrela
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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