Quest: Meet Me in Phandalin

Gundren Rockseeker has hired you to deliver a shipment of goods to Barthen's Provisions in Phandalin.

Shortly after turning east onto the Triboar Trail, the path was obstructed by two dead horses belonging to Gundren Rockseeker and his escort, Sildar Hallwinter. You wiped out the goblin ambush party and discovered a small goblin path leading north to a hideout .

You delivered the shipment to Elmar Barthen at Barthen's Provisions, who was not happy about the ale inventory that was pilfered by Daenan.

You rescued Sildar Hallwinter from the goblin hideout. He believes there may be more clues regarding the whereabouts of Gundren Rockseeker somewhere deeper in the hideout.

Landscape with a cart being pulled by a horse and two oxes.
Landscape with Horse and Oxen Cart by Philip James de Loutherbourg


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