A Pair of Black Antlers Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

A Pair of Black Antlers

The Place

The walls of A Pair of Black antlers are decorated over the bar with a truly gigantic rack of antlers. They're fully 20 feet across! The walls are also dotted with the relics and trophies of many adventurers: old, notched and scarred weapons; split shields; the heads, tails, and claws of sundry shocked-looking, dusty, long dead monsters; and fading maps, bloodstained and covered with angry error-correcting scribbles, of old castle dungeons, dwarven holds, tombs, and other subterranean complexes that presumably once held rich treasures. (Some of these maps may wel be palpable forgeries.)   Wood-paneled, dimly lit, and apt to be smoky (the fireplace doesn't draw properly), this cozy place is a maze of stone support pillars, low, massive overhead beams, and dark, massive furniture salvaged from old villas and castles. If things are too dark to see an interesting-looking map or missive, one of three blue-hued **driftglobes** can be called for - but this will draw the attentive eyes of many patrons in the labyrinth, many-leveled taproom.


The patrons have adopted one bardic balled (given following) as their favorite drinking song. this song is a nightly favorite at the Antlers. Woe befall any minstrel who shows up to play without a sensitive mastery of it-the ability to sing and play it with mournful, macabre skill

Song: The Knight of the Dragon Down

Song Melody Riding, riding across the plain,
See them riding home again.
Bright their shields, bright their chain-
The knights of Dragon Down
  They have gone where shadows creep,
Their blades a bloody harvest reap,
Another dragon put fore'er asleep
By the Knights of Dragon Down.
  On their fingers gem rings gleam.
Of such baubles, the very cream
Falls into the hands, in a steady stream.
Of the Knight of Dragon Down
  In a dark hall a lady sits alone,
Her bright eyes gleam as white as bone.
Her dark spells a-hunting roam
For the Knights of Dragon Down.
  With cruel smile, a web she weaves.
From each might, his soul she cleaves.
Armored bones are all she leaves
Of the Knights of Dragon Down.
  Riding, riding, their skulls a-grin-
Past the gates, the Knights ride in
Sorcery now their souls doth spin
Of the Knights of Dragon Down.
  Ladies scream at the touch of bone,
As skeletal Knights come riding home.
Undead now, fore'er to roam,
Are the Knights of Dragon Down.


  • Drinks:
    • Ale Tankards: 3 cp
    • Ale Hand kegs: 7 cp
    • Stout Tankards: 5 cp
    • Wine Tallglasses: 6 cp - 9cp
    • Sherries, zzar and brandies Tallglasses: 1 sp
    • Elverquisst Tallglasses: 4 gp
  • Food:
    • Serving (Light meal): 6cp
    • 2 serving (Nice repast): 12 cp
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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