Phontyr's Unicorn Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Phontyr's Unicorn

Phontyr's Unicorn is a splendid establishment of deep green carpets, ferns in hanging baskets, dim lighting from strategically placed Glowing Orbs, and curtained, canopied beds. The inn's adornments celebrate the famous unicorn in many carvings, painted shields, and tapestries. Quite a few of these images are enchanted so as to glow blue-white, just as the real unicorn does. The inn has a wine cellar as good as any to be found in Waterdeep (for comparable prices, too), several lounges and meeting rooms for the use of guests, and a fine dining room. Dry white house wine, sliced cheese, and salted biscuits are always at hand on trays everywhere about, free for the taking. Rooms are spacious, draft free, and quiet thanks everywhere. These are deep green like the carpets, and each is adorned with the glowing blue-white head of a watchful unicorn. Eager, soft-spoken, thoughtful human staff members of both sexes dressed in green unicorn-adorned livery move quietly about the inn, seeing to every need of the guests. They even play board games or cards with bored or lonely patrons, though not for money.  

The Prospect

Whatever the unicorn's true nature may be, the recently improved inn stands on the site of Phontyr's house, which burned down under mysterious circumstances after the archmage's death. The unicorn is seen on misty nights in or near the inn, prancing about and then galloping away in eerie silence. Legend says that those who follow it and keep it in sight will be led to rich treasure. Not surprisingly, the inn has become a favorite haunt of novice adventurers, who hang about each night with ready-saddled horses or magical means of flight, hoping the unicorn will appear.

Purpose / Function

Serving the guests of the Inn


The Unicorn has at least 20 unicorn sightings a year, and a few adventurers fast and lucky enough to follow the ethereally beautiful creature have become very rich. Two bands were led to hitherto unknown, abandoned dwarven holds near the city and found stockpiles of gold, silver, and fine ores, and another group literally fell into an ancient mage's tomb in the woods!


The inn has become a favorite haunt of novice adventurers, who hang about each night with ready-saddled horses or magical means of flight, hoping the unicorn will appear.


  • Rooms: 16gp/p
    • Stabling: 2 gp/p
  • Eveningfeast: 1 gp
    • Boar hock soup
  • Wine bottle: 6 gp
Parent Location


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