Dockworker's Guild

The Dockworker's Guild was a guild based in the town of Targos in Icewind Dale in the late 15th century DR. Notably, it was the only guild in the Ten Towns.

Public Agenda

The Guild spoke for the Targosan loaders, shipwrights, and warehouse workers and protected their wages and trades, and also shared their expertise in shipbuilding. It was established with the purpose of upholding standards of construction and quality of fishing boats, as well as to prevent unauthorized strikes by the itinerant workers who came to Targos at the height of the fishing season. The guildmembers had no history of using violence.   Among the guild leaders in the mid-1480s DR, was Giandro Holfast, who was also Speaker of Targos. He led an effort to extend the Dockworker's Guild's influence outside of Targos, to the other nine towns. While Targos might lose some of its competitive edge, Giandro reasoned it would gain greater influence and make Targos the equal of Bryn Shander.


In the Year of the Iron Dwarf's Vengeance, 1485 DR, during Isarr Kronenstrom's murderous rampage around Icewind Dale, wild rumors swirled. One rumor placed the responsibility on the Dockworker's Guild of Targos, claiming that all the murdered people had crossed The Guild in some way. This was, of course, completely false.
Guild, Merchant


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