Edermath Orchard Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Edermath Orchard

Edermath Orchard was an apple orchard in Phandalin in the late 15th century DR.   The orchard was located on the northwest side of Phandalin, and was a dominant landmark for anyone arriving into Phandalin from the road. The trees surrounded a small group of buildings in which the orchard's business took place, and the house of the owner, Daran Edermath, was nearby.

Purpose / Function

The orchard operated year-round, and thus always smelled strongly of apples. In the warmer months, the orchard produced fresh fruit and juice, while in the winter, fruit was processed into cider and other products. The orchard counted both visiting merchants and local food and drink establishments as customers.


As of 1488 DR, the land was kept by Daran Edermath, who would occasionally allow the orchard to be used as a place to rest.
Vineyard / Orchard
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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