Stonehill Inn Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Stonehill Inn

The Stonehill Inn was a quaint inn in the village of Phandalin.

Purpose / Function

The Stonehill Inn was owned by Toblin Stonehill, who operated it alongside his wife Trilena Stonehill and with help from his son Pip Stonehill.   The inn provided six rentable rooms on the upper floor, plus alcoholic beverages and food. A bed was five silver pieces a night, and prices were fairly standard for food, ale, and cider, with meals coming to about 1 silver piece. A barmaid called Elsa served drinks at the bar.


Newly built in the 15th century DR, the inn was a large, two-story building was made of unrefined rocks and crudely cut wood.  


The villagers of phandalin, from miners to farmers, enjoyed relaxing in the common room, which became a good place to hear local gossip and stories. The inn was kept neat and clean, and was a generally pleasant place to visit.


The Stonehills arrived in Phandalin from Triboar early in the construction of the town, and founded the inn around 1490 DR. During the Redbrands' reign of terror throughout Phandalin in 1488 DR, the bandits did not frequent the inn, preferring to drink at The Sleeping Giant a few buildings to the east.
Founding Date
15th century
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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