High Moor Geographic Location in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

High Moor

The High Moor was a large, monster-infested, open moorland in western Faerûn, bordered on the east by the Serpent Hillsand on the west by the Misty Forest.  


The High Moor contained numerous ancient ruins and structures, but the most familiar included Dragonspear Castle on the western edge; Hammer Hall, a log house and stables surrounded by a wooden palisade near the banks of Highstar Lake; and Orogoth, a large ancestral hall near the Serpent Hills.   Rhymanthiin, the Hidden City of Hope, created by a large group of notable magic-users led by Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun, Tsarra Chaadren, and Ualair, was located on the High Moor.   Forays into the High Moor were usually based out of the town of Secomber, north of the region.


It was created in about −10,500 DR when the fallen kingdom of Miyeritar was destroyed by the Vyshaantar Empire's magics during the Crown Wars.
Wetland / Swamp
Location under


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