Boareskyr Bridge Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Boareskyr Bridge (bɔːrrɛskɪər/ BOAR-reh-skeer)

Boareskyr Bridge was the crossing over the Winding Water connecting Soubar, Triel, and Scornubel to Waterdeep and the Trade Way. Constructed of black granite, it bears sculpted images of the deities Cyric and Bhaal, commemorating the legendary battle they fought on the bridge during the Time of Troubles.   This way station settlement is little more than a collection of tents, wagons, and caravans providing food, fresh mounts, and other services to travelers. A contingent of paladins from the theocracy of Elturgard maintains watch over the bridge in a newly built keep.


There was no formal government at the Boareskyr Bridge, but two adventurers named Barim Stagwinter and Theskul Mirroreye walled off a tent community in order to make a proper town in the 1360s DR.   By 1371 DR, the Boareskyr Bridge was under control of the Boareskyr family, namely, dimwitted Becil and Bullard Boareskyr. They were leveraging trade caravans' access to the bridge with Piergeiron the Paladinson of Waterdeep.   From around 1450 DR, the paladins of Elturgard had built a keep to defend the bridge from invaders.   The semi-permanent residents of Boareskyr Bridge had their own informal system of justice, with some crimes punishable by hanging.


The bridge was made of black granite and had a statue of Cyric at one end and another of Bhaal at the other end.   A semi-permanent trading community sprang up around the bridge. By 1481 DR, it was composed of numerous white tents, corrals, blacksmiths, and a bustling marketplace. Because it was only a waystation, goods were not cheap there.


Due north of the bridge was Heartwing Estate, the personal residence of Aluena Halacanter.
Founding Date
70 tents
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