Istishia Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Istishia (/ɪsˈtɪʃiɑː/ is-TISH-ee-ah)

The Water Lord Istishia

Istishia was the neutral primordial deity of elemental water and purification. While other powers governed oceans, pools, streams, storms, or simply those that had business with the water, Istishia was far more abstract. The Water Lord was mutable and dynamic, representing constant change with an essential constant at its core, the god not of any specific body or state of water, but the water itself.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Water
Tempest Domain

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Istishia was depicted in a wide variety of forms ranging from a drop of rain or ocean wave to a water weird or gigantic water elemental. When he manifested, it was as a 40 to 60 feet (12 to 18 meters) tall, 20 to 30 feet (6.1 to 9.1 meters) thick, column of water. This form maneuvered effortlessly over or through any obstacles in its path, its movements sounding life the surf pounding on the shore, and was known to divide into several parts in an effort by the Water Lord to confuse his enemies. When he spoke, his voice was at once the sound of rushing water, a babbling brook, and a gentle rain.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Istishia was a slippery, dispassionate power whose reasons and logic were incomprehensible to most. He provided an atmosphere for life and provided a vital resource, yet would not grant the life itself and cared not how his gifts were used. He was relatively aloof towards his own followers, ignoring and favoring them seemingly on a whim, so alien, uncaring, and utterly random that his unpredictability was itself predictable.


Contacts & Relations

Istishia had ties to deities with a relation to water, but no strong relationships. These included the likes of like Deep Sashelas, Eadro, Eldath, Persana, Shekinester, Surminare, Trishina, Umberlee, Valkur, and the Water Lion. Of these, he worked loosely with Sashelas, Trishina, and Eldath to maintain the life cycles of the sea. Conversely, he had no interest in Umberlee's storms of Valkur's sailors.   Istishia opposed Kossuth in every way. He sat back and watched the struggle of the archomentals of water, Ben-Hadar and Olhydra; presumably he would intervene if one would achieve a real chance to get control of elemental water.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Water Lord
King of the Water Elementals
God-King of Undines


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