Valkur Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Valkur (/vɑːlˈkʌr/ val-KURR)

Valkur , Captain of the Waves

Valkur was a minor Faerûnian god of sailors and their ships, as well as favorable winds and naval combat. The Captain of the Waves was the very picture of the daring sea captain, one capable of sailing his vessel through any disaster the Gods of Fury could unleash.  
"Valkur, speed his path, fill his sails, and calm his seas.”
— A prayer for the deceased in Valkur's name.


Valkur could pilot any sailing craft in any conditions, and no ship on which he stood would ever sink regardless of its condition or the surrounding weather. He was specialized in the use of cutlasses, harpoons, and tridents, and proficient in the use of all melee weapons and naval armaments, as well as the arquebus. He favored conjuration, divination, and evocation spells, as well as those from the spheres of divination, air, water, and weather.   The Captain of the Waves could function just as well in water as he could above it and stride knee-deep through water of any depth using a form of modified water walking, hence his ability to seemingly wade through the ocean. Each hour he could call 2-5 whales to come to his aid, usually a pod of narwhals or orcas, but on rare occasions (about 1 in 20 times) a single leviathan would answer his summons.   Valkur could change the weather within a 1 mile (1,600 meters) radius of himself, calming stormy seas simply by placing his hand on the water's surface or stirring up storms by swirling his hand within it. He could breathe a gust of wind every minute and breathe water as air. In addition to being undrownable, he was immune to elemental water spells, water elementals and related creatures, and electricity and lightning. He could bestow all these immunities, and the ability to swim, to anyone he touched, a blessing known as the "shield of Valkur" which lasted for a day.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Sailors
Tempest Domain
War Domain


Captain's Cutlass

The weapon carried a powerful +3 enchantment as both a cutlass and trident. At will, the wielder of the Cutlass could cast any spell related to weather once per minute. In trident form the weapon was affixed to an unbreakable tether that extended to whatever range Valkur attempted to throw the weapon. Valkur could not be knocked over or toppled from a ship while holding the tether. He often used this to tow ships to shore.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tenets of Faith


The church of Valkur was loosely organized. Many clerics served as captains or sailors aboard ships and they usually met each other only if they happened to serve on the same ship or be in the same port. The clergy was known for helping sailors who were down on their luck.[2]  
Monastic Order
The Order of the Calming Wave was founded by a group of pirates from the Sea of Swords who abandoned their worship of Umberlee after a particularly dangerous storm. They believed that they survived by Valkur's hand and dedicated their life to serving their new deity and growing the monastic order.


Valkur's church celebrated only one holy day known as the Shattering. The exact date of the festival varied but it was always celebrated in the spring. The purpose of the festival was to celebrate the breaking up of ice floes in the north, which marked the beginning of the sailing season.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It was believed that Valkur may have once been a mortal sailor who challenged Umberlee and emerged victorious.


Contacts & Relations

Valkur looked to Selûne for guidance across the oceans of Faerûn, the two sharing such a friendship that the moon goddess passed on a minor blessing to Valkur's faithful in the form of improved navigational abilities. In more recent times, Deep Sashelas of the Seldarine lent his aid to the Captain of the Waves so that he could better act as a counterweight to Umberlee's burgeoning influence, and Istishia, the elemental god of water, had ties to Valkur even if he was uninterested in his sailors (or Umberlee's storms for that matter).   The Red Knight, and by extension Tempus, attempted to persuade Valkur in taking a greater interest in the area of naval conflict. Her expectations of him sometimes exceeded his demonstrated commitment to anything but protecting sailors, but she still saw him as her best ally in that field even despite his unreliability. Tempus himself was casually friendly with Valkur, as he was at least somewhat martially-inclined, and at one point the sailor's god become an exarch of his.   Valkur was the sworn foe of the Gods of Fury, as the Captain of the Waves protected ships from the destruction wrought by their leader Talos. His true nemesis among them however was the Sea Queen Umberlee, whose cruel whimsy he defended sailors against.

Social Aptitude

Valkur was usually jolly and never held a grudge. He was a figure of endless luck and great boldness, emphasizing his points by shaking his fist in the air and never backing away from a challenge. However, he was not always available for his followers, and there was no guarantee he would answer a call for aid. He was fickle and unpredictable, his moods as mercurial as the weather, but he was always extremely loyal to his crew and did in fact feel his primary responsibility was protecting sailors. Though still unreliable, he had become more responsive to his faithful's petitions after the Time of Troubles.
Divine Classification
Lesser deity
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Mighty


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