Kraken Species in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Kraken (/ˈkreɪkɛnz/ KRAY-kenz or: /ˈkrɑːkɛnz/ KRA-kenz)

Krakens, called lopok by the Locathah, were large, ocean-dwelling magical beasts.   Krakens were feared across the known world. They were creatures that dwell in the depths of the ocean and came to the surface to prey upon ships and their crews.  
“A kraken dreams of casting its tentacles into the heavens and strangling that which birthed it, and when its dream exceeds its reach, it settles for the occasional passing ship.” — Excerpt from Night of the Kraken Cult, by Malfeore Serrang of Tethyr

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

In the area around Serôs krakens were known to be actively hunted by both Storm Giants and Merrows, keeping their population low.


Krakens were highly destructive and evil creatures. With their strong tentacles and massive strength, they could pull an entire ship down into the ocean. They often completely wiped tropical islands of all life, and deep beneath the ocean, they had cavernous lairs where they bred Human slaves to feed and tend them.  


While the kraken itself was quite powerful, many never saw the creature's body. It hid below the surface of the water, where it could be protected from any attacks by a ship's defenders. The kraken instead sent forth its massive tentacles to catch crewmen and drag them below the water, where the beast could devour the unfortunate souls in one gulp.   Krakens attacked predominantly with their tentacles. They could both constrict opponents and bring them into the reach of the creature's huge jaws. In addition, krakens could also release an enormous cloud of jet-black ink, regenerate severed limbs, and even cast spells.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Krakens could speak some languages of surface-dwelling races but most commonly spoke Common, Aquan, or a language of their own similar to that of whales.

Historical Figures

  • Gethshemeth was an ally to the Morkoth Arcanum of Olleth that took control of an aberrant artifact called Dreamheart and became enthralled by the Abolethic Sovereignty in 1396 DR.
  • Slarkrethel was an ancient kraken that ruled the Purple Rocks, and headed the Kraken Society as their master.
  • @Xisar, a powerful blue-skinned kraken that terrorized the land of Serôs in the late 13th-century DR.

Common Myths and Legends

Krakens were supposedly once the rulers of the sea, but eventually the forces of good drove them back, though legends said they would one day rise again.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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