Slarkrethel Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


Slarkrethel was a huge Kraken Wizard and Chosen of Umberlee.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Like his origins, Slarkrethel's appearance was disputed. The majority of sages described him as a giant squid, indeed, the giant squid was the symbol of the Kraken Society, however, later images of krakens were described as far less squid-like, with fins as well as tentacles, and recognizable faces. On one aspect, all could agree however, Slarkrethel was a leviathan of a creature, gargantuan in size.

Special abilities

As well as his immense size and strength, Slarkrethel was also a Wizard of prodigious ability, easily the equal of the most powerful mortal archmages. As a Chosen of Umberlee, Slarkrethel was protected from divination magic and psionic powers of detection, as well as a magical effect similar to the spell Elminster's evasion and many more abilities besides.

Specialized Equipment

Slarkrethel was in possession of a multitude of magical items, many of them tailor made just for his personal use that duplicated magical effects usually found only in items designed for use on land.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Slarkrethel's origins are disputed. Some say the Kraken was born in the Year of the Kraken, 151 DR. It wasn't until Slarkrethel found the submerged ruins of Ascarle in 244 DR that he began building his undersea empire. There, he was inspired by legends of his ancestors' past, and his studies left him aspiring to godhood and to regain some of his race's former glory. Centuries later, he had extended his tentacles all over the Trackless Sea, and created the web of informants and spies called the Kraken Society.   Others claim that Slarkrethel is ancient beyond reckoning. For tens of thousands of years the kraken has been searching tirelessly for long-lost paths to divine ascendancy, longing to rejoin its creators in the heavens. They say he was old when the giants and dragons waged war forty thousands years. Slarkrethel lured exiles, outcasts, and lost souls to its organization with the promise of a better life. Ancient humans of the Purple Rocks would cast their young into the sea as part of a ritual to appease and worship Slarkrethel. Those offspring would resurface and return as adults with piscine deformities. At the end of their natural life span they would return to their fearsome master.   In the Year of the Leaping Lion, 834 DR, Slarkrethel battled with Laeral Silverhand at Port Llast and managed to steal the magical throne of Stornanter.   Umberlee forsaw the return of her former lover Iakhovas in the near future, and so adopted Slarkrethel as her Chosen in the Year of Shadows, 1358 DR.   Late in the Year of the Gauntlet, 1369 DR, Slarkrethel was credited with the destruction of the The Maiden's Defiance, a galley hired by the Harpers to investigate Ascarle


Contacts & Relations

Apart from his goddess, Slarkrethel only seemed to trust the lieutenants to whom he delegated the leadership of the Kraken Society.



Chosen (Vital)

Towards Umberlee




Patron (Important)

Towards Slarkrethel



Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of the Trackless Depths
Consort of the Bitch Queen
Seraph of Umberlee
Year of Birth
151 DR 1338 Years old
Aligned Organization

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