
Parnast comprised a few dozen houses and a small square, with buildings that include a tavern, a stable, and a shrine, built within a wooden palisade. The wary and hardworking Parnasters earned their living as farmers, laborers, crafters, transporters, and loggers.


Parnast was believed to have been founded no later than the last decades of the 13th century DR.   Around the Year of the Spur, 1348 DR, the Zhentarim openly took control of Parnast and installed Lord Amarandaris as its de facto ruler. While the small village enjoyed some prosperity, the presence of the Zhents was merely tolerated by the local Parnasters.   In the years leading up to the Year of the Banner, 1368 DR, Parnast was nearly overwhelmed with Goblin refugees that fled from their homes in the mines of Dekanter.   Lord Amarandaris ruled Parnast for over 20 years before his death, an event that caused business coming through Parnast to wane and the village to fall into disrepair. After years of decline, the village came under the control of restored Cult of the Dragon for over a year during the 1480s DR. The cult used the village as a stopover for their caravans that transported goods across the North. The local leader of the cult, a black Half-Dragon named Rezmir, formed an alliance with a cloud giant of Skyreach Castle. For a time, Parnast became the anchorage for the giant's flying cloud-castle, before it took to the skies with the local Dragon Cult leaders for lands beyond.


Parnast stood on the Dawn Pass Trail in the foothills of the Greypeak Mountains, between the mountains themselves and Weathercote Wood. A small path led northward from the towns, north into the woods proper.   About 5 mi (8 km) from the village in the Greypeak Mountains, was a hunting lodge owned by Talis from the Cult of the Dragon.


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