Shrine of the Flaming Sword

The Shrine of the Flaming Sword was an old shrine dedicated to Tempus, found within the village of Good Mead in the Ten Towns of Icewind Dale.

Purpose / Function

Brother Sharamod of the Tempuran clergy hoped to one day transform the shrine into a true and proper temple. Unfortuantely for him this would not come to pass.


The large structure was built with a distinct steeple atop its roof. It attracted large numbers of crows.  
The inner walls of the shrine featured paintings that depicted Tempus wielding his flaming sword.


The Shrine of the Flaming Sword was built some time during or before the mid–14th century DR. It became very popular among the Tempuran faithful during the years when Good Mead held a strong rivalry with nearby Dougan's Hole.
Parent Location


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