Syranita Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


Syranita was the patron deity of the Aarakocra and a member of the Asathalfinare pantheon, an alliance of good-aligned gods of aquatic races.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Aarakocra, protection, watchfulness
Tempest Domain

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Opal necklace with feather pendant

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Syranita's avatar had the appearance of a female Aarakocra with silver skin and pink-gold feathers.

Special abilities

In avatar form, Syranita could see perfectly within a range of 4 miles (6.4 kilometers). She was very watchful and skilled at spying.   The opal necklace she wore protected her from evil. She was able to summon air elementals and djinn.   No natural bird or avian creature would harm her.   She was able to change the direction of wind.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

She loved music and would sometimes appear in avatar form just to listen to Bards practice their craft.


Contacts & Relations

Syranita tried to be friends with as many gods as possible, including Human sky gods like Akadi. She had a very close relationship with the Seldarine goddess Aerdrie Faenya, to the point that it was theorized the two deities might merge together considering the gradual decline of the Aarakocra population. She was also an ally of Deep Sashelas and other members of the Asathalfinare as she sought to create friendship for her relatively weak race.
Divine Classification
Intermediate deity
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization


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