The Abyss Geographic Location in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

The Abyss (/ɑːˈbɪs/ a-BIS)

The Infinite Layers of the Abyss was the birth place of the demons, a chaotic evil universe unto itself with uncountable layers of infinite variety connected haphazardly. The Abyss's place in the cosmology of the Forgotten Realms shifted over time, but the nature of the plane remained fairly constant: a violent, malevolent place where the strong survived on the backs of the weak, the weak conspired to overthrow the strong, alliances only lasted while convenient, and the landscape itself tortured the mind and body of all who dared to pass.   The Abyss embodies all that is perverse, gruesome, and chaotic. Its virtually endless layers spiral downward into ever more appalling forms.   Each layer of the Abyss boasts its own horrific environment. Although no two layers are alike, they are all harsh and inhospitable. Each layer also reflects the entropic nature of the Abyss. In fact, much of what one sees or touches on the plane seems to be in a decaying, crumbling, or corroded state.  
“Ah, the infinite wonders of the Abyss. If there's anything you don't like, you'll find it here.” — A tanar'ri saying


  • The Abyss
    The term layer of the Abyss referred to each of the ever-changing miniature worlds in the chaotic tangle that constituted the Abyss.
Alternative Name(s)
Infinite Layers of the Abyss
Inhabiting Species

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