Layer 88: Gaping Maw Geographic Location in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Layer 88: Gaping Maw

The primal, tropical realm of Demogorgon reflects the bestial elements of chaos and evil, attracting feral demons and crude humanoids from throughout The Abyss. These wrathful creatures gather under the banner of the mighty and resilient Prince of Demons, who earned the grudging respect of all demonkind in his victories over the obyriths in the waning of eons of their Abyssal influence. He boastfully claims the title that once belonged to Mishka the Wolf-Spider, consort of the vile Queen of Chaos, triggering an endless onslaught from cevetous enemiesm particularly Graz'zt and Orcus, whose agents seek to undo Demogorgon's gains from within.


The Gaping Maw's two aspects belie Demogorgon's dual nature. A massive primeval continent coveted in dense jungle houses those demons and mortals who serve Demogorgon as a force of strength and brutality, whereas the land conceal far more subtle adherants to the Sibilant beasts such as Krakens.


  • Layer 88: Gaping Maw
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