The Royal Arms Inn Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

The Royal Arms Inn

The Royal Arms was a modern, beautiful, and expensive inn located in Luskan.

Purpose / Function

The inn offered lodging and served only the best of fine food and wine, permeating the entire building with their alluring aromas.   Among items served to the guests were tea and muffins.


The Royal Arms was a modern and beautiful inn for its time. It was a three-story building with huge double doors.


The inn's interior was lush and expensive, fit for kings and princes. The walls were decorated with rich tapestries, and golden statues were placed around the dining hall with a sweeping grand staircase in the middle of it.   The inn was not often crowded, only hosting a handful of clients at a time and catering to wealthy merchants and dignitaries. Very few locals could afford to custom the Royal Arms. The owner, Bartholomew Tidfigit made it perfectly clear that if you can't afford the services, he was not interested in you.


In 1369 DR, the inn hosted Boswell Peddywinkle (secretly Celerum the Black) who was assembling a trade caravan to Targos and was in need of competent guards and adventurers.
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