The Winter Palace Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

The Winter Palace

In the post-sundering era, the temple of Auril was a great complex adorned with soaring white spires. It had no roof, but was an open court filled with white stone pillars and arches. Its rituals seemed overtly cruel to those not of Auril's faith.


One of the most well known rituals were the wet parades. The parades involved the wearing of garments stuffed with ice. While wearing these garments, participants would race through the streets of Luskan to climb six white pillars, called the Kisses of Auril. They would climb the pillars to kiss the iron plates located at the top of each spire. During the winter, frostbite and physical injury are quite common during these climbs due to the ice stuffed clothes and slippery pillars. Those who complete this race are believed to have assuaged Auril's wrath, bringing an easy winter. The participants are given free food and drink all winter long by Luskan's inhabitants.
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