ToD: Session 43: Ss'tck'al Report in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

ToD: Session 43: Ss'tck'al

General Summary

After having fought trough the opening waves of Lizardfolk and Yuan-Ti, the party went down the stairs and arrived upon a split in the tunnel. On their right was a hallway that was slithering like a snake downstairs was another room. The party chose to go right where they knew with the help of Leo his Familiar Grumble, that there are some lizardfolk and Yuan-Ti hiding behind the corner ready to attack. They slowly continued and on the first right they saw a longer hallway leading to some sort of breeding grounds 20 ft. down. The next opening on the right lead to the same area and a foul smelling place. Zarra opened the door and came upon dirt and trash, in what looked to be the Lizardfolk nest. Here she found some treasure.   They then chose to go trough the last door before the corner where the ambush was hiding. As Zarra oponed this door she was immediatly bombarded by javelins from the lizardfolk inside this chamber. As they battled them and Sidon entered this area, with the Yuan-Ti Pureblood and Lizardfolk. He held them off while the ambush party around the corner started attacking them. After a hard battle with multiple people going down, they succeded against the enemy, but while fighting multiple enemies tried to retreat to another chamber. The party wanted to follow these people but first healed up with some magic from Zarra. They then went into the chamber that the lizardfolk ran to and came upon a temple with giant stone serpent statues with green flames inside their mouth. Under each of those statues where yuan-ti and at the end was a Yuan-ti Abomination with a dwarf in purple clothing, Varram. She told the party that they could get the dwarf if they would leave, and kill more of them. Seeing as their resources where depleted and they where badly hurt they accepted and went back to the entrance of Ss'tck'al.   As they went back the door to the Yuan-ti hideout was closed and the party started going back to the main entrance. On their way they again met the devils who said that they where ordered to guard this place from anyhing that would come from the stairs down with the words Danger written on it. With some bribery the party got told that the monsters that where down there were undead and that there was treasure there. So with the need to find the book for the ghost lady and thinking that the undead where zombies they went down with zarra in front. The moment she opened the door she used turn undead and destroyed one of the specters and made the two Wraith try to flee from her. During this battle Kyoshi did a whopping 46 damage in one turn. With a hardy battle and the realisation that Varram was dead they won against the undead and found some treasure inside the room.
  • The book for the ghost lady titled: Transubtantiality across Potentialities
  • Some books about ancient netheril who where found by hazirawn, who told Sidon to get them.
  • Some silk robes, 2 spell scrols of Protection from Energy and an magical Amethyst-set ring
  • On the bedside table was a silver Ewer and 4 goblets, and when brought to the Bag of Holding smoke poured from the Ewer.
  After taking all this treasure, the party went back and then heard the Bearded Devils getting their glaves. Leo turned into a triceratops and took a lot of hits in the first round. But after a hard battle the Devils where banished back to the Nine Hells, but before the last was send back he told them that Zariel sent them.   They returned the book to the ghost who was finally freed from this plane. And when the party left the tomb they leveled up. With this Leo made a promise to Bahamut to fight for him and immediatly after that het casted Raise Dead on Varram. The party asked him some questions.
  • Who are the other wearmspeakers of the cult: Severin(Red), Galvan(Blue), Varram(White), Neronvain(green) and he did not know who the current black wyrmspeaker was.
  • The base of the Cult of the Dragon is in the Well of Dragons.
  • The curse on Leo was made for taking the soul of the cursed and bringing it to the phylactry of a dracolich. Which in his words was barbaric.
  • The White Dragon mask is back at the Well of Dragons. Which he found out after looking inside the divination pool.
And he told the group that he would happily be their prisoner and that if he were to be taken back to the Cult he would be killed. Then the party started traveling back to Waterdeep.
Tyranny of Dragons
Zarra Koni
Leo Kennedy
Lawfull Good Human (Haunted One)
Wizard 4
26 / 26 HP
Sidon Psári
Lawfull Good Triton (Outlander)
Paladin 4
39 / 39 HP
Report Date
07 Apr 2023
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