ToD: Session 44: Returning to the City of Splendors Report in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

ToD: Session 44: Returning to the City of Splendors

General Summary

As the party left the Tomb of Diderius and they fell asleep not long after, Sidon Psári and Zarra Koni saw visions of the treasures they stole in the night. And when waking up the rest of the group saw their eyes sunken into their skulls, and their skin dry as a desert. They figured out it was because of the treasures they stole, and that it was a curse that could be broken by, 1 brining back the treasures and 2 by casting the spell Remove Curse. So the next day they tried it and eventually after casting it strong enough it broke.   The party then continued on to the City of Splenders along the Trade Way. While traveling they saw someone getting attacked on the fifth day. They went in for a closer look and saw the people attacking were the Cult of the Dragon. They swooped down and saw the person being attacked was a Half-Drow who was severily hurt. They helped him defeat the Cult and at the end while a member tried to flee on horse back Sidon sprinted after him and exploded him with a smite while he was on the ground.   After the battle before they could talk to the hurt Half-Elf they immediately paralyzed him and bound him with rope. They started questioning him and he introduced himself as Drakonil Zau'afin. Another adventurer that escaped from the Well of Dragons where the Cult of the Dragon is held up. He told the rest of his group is either dead or captured, and that he needs to go back soon to try to rescue them. But in he first needed to go back to Waterdeep.   As the party arrived in Waterdeep they were greeted by the Griffon Cavalry who asked them who they were. They explained themselves and were led to the Palace of Waterdeep. When they landed out Connerad Brawnanvil came out of the building and went for Varram scolding him doing so. He looked at the party and made a rude comment about Tharkall Voxen not being with them and saying he knew he was weak. He then went inside with Varram saying he would pay for his crimes. Leosin Erlanthar then came out of the Palace and told the party that Connerad was gratefull in his own way and asked where Nesim Waladra was located so he could be brought back to his family. And told them that Dala Silmerhelve will soon meet them for their next mision.   In the meantime the party went around town together with Drakonil. They first went to Halazar's Fine Gems were they sold some of the gems they got from the Dracohydra lair. And bought 1 diamond, he also told them that stock was short because of the Dragon attacks. They still needed to pay of some of the renovations so after a quick stop at Gnome Depot an paid of their debt of 2000gp.   After that they went to The Third Wish, to look what he had for sell this time. As they came to the Tower and entered, the Eladrin Elf then began ryming his way. As Leo Kennedy asked he began creating a spell scroll of Cloud of Daggers which he refused. Then Sidon went and was offered a Potion of Storm Giant strength with a cost of 10.000 gp which he could not pay for. Drakonil also wanted to see what he could get and was presented a Scroll of Banishment which he bought with the mony he got from Leo. Zarra got a Potion of Water breathing and Kyoshi was offered a potion of Invulnirability but refused.   They then went to the Dock Ward to hire people to get magic items, on their way there they were followed by a young Tiefling boy who went to Drakonil and told him that he saw members of the Cult go into a warehouse. He was asked his name and said people call him Horny The party followed him to a warehouse which they entered and only saw Dragonborn. Drakonil adopted him and went back to the Firefly Villa while the rest of the party went to the magic dealers. There Leo got paid back 300 gp from a failed attempt and together they all went back to the villa.   When they arrived in the Villa they were greeted by their butler; Darcy who welcomed them and said they still needed to pay the rest of his salary and that he made a room for himself. After some conversations Drakonil left and Dala Silmerhelve came in and started to tell them about the Maccath the Crimson.
Tyranny of Dragons
Drakonil Zau'afin
Half-Drow (Urchin)
Warlock 12
99 / 99 HP
Zarra Koni
Leo Kennedy
Lawfull Good Human (Haunted One)
Wizard 4
26 / 26 HP
Sidon Psári
Lawfull Good Triton (Outlander)
Paladin 4
39 / 39 HP
Report Date
28 Apr 2023
Primary Location


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