Forgotten realms Tearfall


Disaster / Destruction

Around -31000 DR

The Tearfall, also known as Ileleste (falling rain, in Elven), the changing of the stars, the seven-turn winter, or the month of mist, was a planet-wide disaster that struck Abeir-Toril in the final millennium of the Days of Thunder. It was widely believed that dragonkind and the Sea of Fallen Stars were created as a consequence of the Tearfall.

The Tearfall was caused by the actions of the batrachi. As they were losing their war against the titans, they performed a powerful summoning ritual and released several primordials from their ancient prisons. The gods quickly moved against their ancient foes, and it was those battles that caused the worldwide catastrophes that destroyed the batrachi civilization. A primordial known as "Asgorath the World-Shaper", determined to destroy the world if she couldn't control it, threw an ice moon at the planet, creating the Sea of Fallen Stars. Before the world was completely destroyed, Lord Ao intervened and sundered Abeir-Toril into two twin worlds, Abeir and Toril, giving the former to the primordials and the latter (the original world) to the gods, ending the conflict.

Related Location
Sea of Fallen Stars
Related timelines & articles
History of Forgotten realm