Forgotten realms History of Forgotten realm Timeline

History of Forgotten realm


-35000 DR > -30000 DR

The Days of Thunder was an ancient period of Toril's history. This was the time of the fabled creator races, or Iqua-Tel'Quessir in the elven tongue, and many other races still hid in caves.

  • Around -31000 DR
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Tearfall, also known as Ileleste (falling rain, in Elven), the changing of the stars, the seven-turn winter, or the month of mist, was a planet-wide disaster that struck Abeir-Toril in the final millennium of the Days of Thunder. It was widely believed that dragonkind and the Sea of Fallen Stars were created as a consequence of the Tearfall.

The Age of Humanity

-3000 DR > 1000 DR

  • -339 DR
    Karsus's Folly
    Disaster / Destruction

    Karsus's Folly was a climactic event following the death of Mystryl that caused the end of the Netherese empire in −339 DR.

  • 1 DR


    Dale Reckoning Start
    Era beginning/end

    Dalereckoning is taken from the Year of Sunrise, 1 DR, when the Standing Stone was raised by the elves of Cormanthyr and the human Dalesfolk. Since this time, humans were permitted by the Elven Court to settle in the more open regions of the forests. In some texts, primarily those which do not have direct ties to Dales history, Dalereckoning is called Freeman's Reckoning (FR). The calendar is widely used in Faerûn but has not spread beyond its shores.

Present Age

1000 DR and beyond

  • 1375 DR

    1385 DR

    War of the Zulkirs
    Military: War

    The War of the Zulkirs was a civil war in Thay that took place from 1375 DR to 1385 DR, between the self-proclaimed regent of Thay, the lich Szass Tam, and the combined forces of the other zulkirs: Lallara Mediocros, Nevron, Yaphyll, Lauzoril, Kumed Hahpret, Mythrellan, and Samas Kul under the guidance of Dmitra Flass.

  • 1385 DR

    29 Tarsakh
    1395 DR


    The Spellplague was a disaster that struck Realmspace and even the planes themselves on the date of Tarsakh 29 in the Year of Blue Fire, 1385 DR, and was caused by Mystra's assassination at the hands of Cyric and Shar. It continued for a decade, leading to the Wailing Years, during which arcane magic ceased to function and the planet of Toril was transformed.[5]

  • 1488 DR

    Tyranny of Dragons
    Criminal Activity