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Spined Devil

Smaller than most other devils, spinagons act as messengers and spies for greater devils and archdevils. They are the eyes and ears of the Nine Hells, and even fiends that despise a spined devil's weakness treat it with a modicum of respect. A spined devil's body and tail bristle with spines, and it can fling its tail spines as ranged weapons. The spines burst into flame on impact.   When not delivering messages or gathering intelligence, spined devils serve in the infernal legions as flying artillery, making up for their relative weakness by mobbing together to overwhelm their foes. Though they crave promotion and power, spined devils are craven by nature, and they will quickly scatter if a fight goes against them.  


  Spined devils collect in flocks of two to five to gain the benefit of numbers. They circle overhead, raining down a fiery barrage, using either their spines or produce flame. Against hard-to-hit targets, they close to within 30 feet, but just far enough out of reach to prevent land-bound melee attackers from striking back. Should the battle turn against them, they use stinking cloud to cover their escape.  


  Spinagons are very much like vermin; they infest the Nine Hells. They crawl about the rocky wastelands or lurk in the shadows cast by the massive palaces and buildings of the infernal cities. They creep about and are always underfoot, constantly hunting for something or someone to hurt. Spinagons are the bane of lemures and nupperibos, venting their frustration about their lowly status on these hapless fi ends.  


  Spinagons are wicked. They love to hurt other creatures, laughing in concert with the cries of their victims. When their prey begs for mercy, spinagons try to mimic the words, but always garble it in their thick Infernal accent. Archdevils, paeliryons, and pit fiends find spined devils to be useful servants. Their dimness engenders a certain willingness to follow orders, and their size allows them to sneak into places unseen. Still, spinagons lack the intellect to comprehend the importance of what they overhear, so their reports are unreliable.  


  Spined devils are malicious and wicked in their torment of others, but they do not grasp the value of collecting treasure. A spinagon will not be found carrying items of value e unless it is tasked by a patron to deliver or retrieve them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
2‒3 ft (0.61‒0.91 m)
Average Weight
25 lb (11 kg)


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