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I am working with you because I have heard tales of your competence, and our goals appear to be aligned. We will destroy the Cult and save the planet. What could be more noble than that?
— Ezmerelda


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Ezmerelda grew in Keczulla, daughter to neglectful and indifferent parents. Her fiendish heritage made her a social pariah, even as it sharpened her reflexes. Most in this situation would have grown up petty criminals, and indeed Ezmerelda may well have walked that path...were it not for The Monastery. This shadowy organization holds sway there, and takes tribute in the form of children to serve as trainees. Ezmerelda was one such tribute.

She took to the order and rigor of the organization readily, conforming her outlook to that of the Monastery. The gods they served, ancient and secret, were accepted along with all the rest. Though their goals were mysterious, their methods callous, and their punishments harsh, in Ezmerelda they found a willing pupil. She rose through the ranks, ultimately becoming one of the Silent Servants, the elite warriors in service to the old gods. This rank came with new powers, new ways to manipulate the shadows that became her ways to serve The Family.


Physical Appearance

Ezmerelda is of above average height, but her weight and frame belies a hidden infernal strength. Her fiendish heritage is hard to spot at first. Her skin is pale, as is her stark white hair. Her eyes are a fiery red, making her seem almost albino. She wears her hair in two tight buns, which serve the purpose of hiding the horns that protrude from her scalp. Her hands have been magically tattooed with faintly glowing swirls.


She typically wears clothes of dark greys or blacks, accentuated by the steel and obsidian necklace she wears about her neck (Necklace of Adaptation). From the necklace a single fiery ruby is suspended (Periapt of Wound Closure). A pair of forest green Boots of Elvenkind are somewhat incongruous, but serve to keep her footsteps silent. Her glowing tattoos are Tattoos of Shadow Mastery.


Ezmerelda is self-serving, but not stupid. She readily recognizes the use of companions that can be relied upon to work towards her goals. She will even take moderate personal risks to preserve them and maintain the relationship, because a team is more effective when it is cohesive. Yet she never makes the mistake of becoming attached to those around her. Only the Family will truly have a place in her heart.

Goals & Motivations

Ezmerelda's goals are one and the same with that of The Monastery. She is completely, fanatically loyal to that group. To that end, she seeks to gain personal power, expand the influence of the group, and prepare the world for one in which they control all they need to remain safe. At the moment, that means defeating the Cult of Elemental Evil & Tharizdun. Tomorrow, who know.


Ezmerelda began as a member of The Poor Fools, in the sleepy village of Hommlet looking to gain power and experience (See their page for details). During her travels, she was tasked by The Monastery to expand their hand in the slave trade into Amn. She accomplished this by masquerading at the Chattelry as a perspective buyer, ultimately destroying the organization from within and setting it up to be replaced, in secret, by her own.

In pursuit of her own power, she conspired with Grishnak to enact a ritual to Tharizdun . The ritual, described in a book captured from the Cult of Elemental Evil, required the sacrifice of an unwilling soul. In return, the participants would get a magical item of great power. Ezmerelda called upon her organization to attack the area around Hommlet, targeting followers of Lathander. She was confident this would draw the attention of the party, and was not disappointed. Feigning disinterest, Ezmerelda and Grishnak pretended to go off drinking. In reality, while ninjas from the Monastery distracted the town, the pair abducted the local priest of Lathander and successfully completed the ritual. They were discovered in the morning in a haystack, with their fellows none the wiser.

Following the fatal encounter in the Inner Fane, Ezmerelda escaped with the now petrified Caleb and began the search for a new party that could address this existential threat. Her search led her to Calm, who in turn recommended the Battleborn, in order to ensure they were engaged and could no longer threaten his own plans. She joined the new party on 4 Tarsakh, 1497.



Lawful Evil
Tiefling (Asmodeus)
140 lbs
Identifying Marks
Faintly glowing swirl tattoos on hands
1466 (Keczulla)

Other Information

Silent Servant
The Poor Fools, Battleborn , The Monastery
Old Gods (unknown, likely a powerful fiend)
Character Prototype
Shadow Monk Warlock


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