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Shylyn the Erinyes

Think of all the villages you could save, all the people you could spare from the pain you felt. Think of all the good you could do. I can make that happen.
— Shylyn the Erinyes

Shylyn was an Erinyes, a high ranking devil who served Zariel on Avernus. As with all Erinyes, she was statuesque and beautiful and a talented warrior.


Shylyn was, like all other Erinyes, a powerful and confident warrior. She was unusually sly and persuasive for an Erinyes and was quite effective at luring powerful warriors into contracts that would ultimately deliver them to the infernal legions on Avernus.


Due to her capacity for recruiting, Shylyn was often sent to the Material Plane to seek out powerful warriors. She was quite successful in these endeavors. Her greatest triumph, however, was turning a potentially fatal failure into a great success.

While on one of these trips, she learned of the Battleborn and sought a way to find a way to entice one of their number into a contract. Knowing of their ongoing war with the Cult of Elemental Evil, she scouted the Temple of Elemental Evil to learn more about their foes. While scouting she was captured by the cultists & demons there. Before she could be tortured and dragged to the Abyss, the Battleborn attacked the temple on 17 Tarsakh, 1497. The adventurers agreed to free her in exchange for her aid in clearing the Temple.

While clearing the Temple with accurate shots from her bow, she complimented the marksmanship of Enala. She teased that she might be able to aid the archer in becoming truly great, and be able to carry her vengeance forward into the future.

Once the Temple was cleared, Shylyn got Enala alone and made her pitch. She praised Enala for being a great force for good, and noted how many children had been saved from terrible, horrendous fates thanks to her heroism and sacrifice. And thanks to her elven heritage, she would be able to fight for many years to come. Yet, death comes even for the elves. The day will one day come when the villains of the world will rejoice, for Enala & Frostwell are no longer there to protect the innocent. But...what if it didn't have to be that way?

Shylyn's offer was simple: When a creature is slain and its spirit departs, some of its life force dissipates. Shylyn could grant Enala the ability to absorb the life force of her slain foes, extending her own lifespan and granting her power. Enala could fight as long as necessary, exterminating every hobgoblin warlord in all of Toril if she wished. In return, Enala would serve in the Blood War as an Erinyes, taking the fight against evil into the afterlife, until such a time as the Blood War was won. Shylyn neglected to mention that the Blood War had been raging since the dawn of time.

Enala, after some consideration, agreed. Thus, Shylyn not only captured the soul of one of the most powerful warriors in Toril, she also paved the way for Asmodeus to later draw up his contract with the Battleborn.

The Contract

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Shylyn, (hereafter known as the "Party"), an Erinyes in the service of Asmodeus, and Enala, (hereafter known as the "Client"), the undersigned, being of sound mind, do hereby freely enter an agreement on this day, 16th of Tarsakh, 1497, with the following terms:
  1. The Party agrees to bind the spirit of the wolf Frostwell, companion to the Client, (the "Companion"), to the Client's soul such that the Companion will remain bound to the Client both pre- and post-death; the Companion will die or age only to such an extent as the Client's does. The Client and Companion are hereafter collectively referred to as the "Team".
  2. The Party agrees to grant the Client the ability to absorb the remaining life-force of those the Team slays1, hereafter known as the “Slain”, for the purposes of restoring the Client’s own, to prolong their natural lifespan, or any other purpose deemed appropriate by the Client.
  3. The Client agrees the Party is not responsible for any potential side effects or ramifications of this ability, including but not limited to: A feeling of euphoria and power, Vengeful allies of the slain, Inability of those slain to be resurrected, The purification of the Toril of all evildoers and vicious monsters
  4. The Client agrees to join the ranks of the Erinyes upon the moment of their death, with all the duties, honors, responsibilities, and obligations of the same. The Client further acknowledges that these duties specifically include, but are not limited to, fighting in the Blood War and permanently dispatching the embodiments of evil and chaos known as Demons. The Party will ensure that the Companion remains bound to the Client, even during the Client’s service in the aforementioned role.
  5. In the event of the Client’s death, the Party may, at their sole discretion, postpone the collection of such service, for terms agreed upon by both the Client and the Party at that time.
  6. If the Party is unable to collect on this contract2, all terms of this contract pertinent to the Party transfer to the infernal being to which the Party owed fealty (hereafter known as the “Inheritor”). At such time, the Inheritor shall become the Party for all purposes of this contract. Should that entity likewise be incapacitated, the contract will transfer up through the ranks of the lower Denizens, ultimately terminating with the current ruler, who is at this time Asmodeus.
  7. The Client is forbidden from knowingly and/or willingly using any of the following means to avoid the terms of this contract: Petrification, Undeath, Permanent stasis, Destruction of the soul, Imprisonment of the soul
  8. Should the Client breach this contract, the Client will immediately forfeit all benefits entitled by this contract and their soul will be forfeit to the Party, to be utilized with as they wish.
  9. Should the Party breach this contract, they will be subject to the most fearsome punishments allowable, to be exacted by the Lords of the Nine Hells.
  10. This Contract may be ended at any time by the mutual agreement of both the Party and the Client.
1 Slay, kill, destroy, or otherwise vanquish
2 Due to destruction, imprisonment, banishment, or any other such event


Shylyn the Erinyes

Contract Holder (Vital)

Towards Enala




Contract Signer (Vital)

Towards Shylyn the Erinyes




Signed contract on 17 Tarsakh 1497


Lawful Evil
Devil (Fiend) [Erinyes]
150 lb


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