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Harper Murder

Tana Newman, a Harpers agent has been murdered in Port Nyanzaru.   Tanya Newman was an agent there who has been murdered and the safe house was exposed. The safe house was located in Tiryki Anchorage opposite the tavern The Laughing Zombie.   A sailor called Tom Harrier was arrested for the murder. He was seen leaving the Laughing Zombie Inn very drunk just before her body was found. In the bar he was being aggressive and spoiling for a fight. When arrested he was taken to the Fort Nyanzaru where he was held for a few days and then taken to the Golden Throne to stand trial. The Merchant Prince that day, Ifan Talro’a, found him Guilty and he was sentenced to the Executioners Run. He only made it half way down the run before being killed by a Velociraptor. Waganga thinks she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.   Tana was actually killed by Xandala who approached her regarding Artus Cimber, saying that she was his daughter, but Tana didn’t believe her. Xandala stole her Harper badge.   The safe house in Tiryki Anchorage contains Tana's notes about the different groups in Port Nyanzaru. Roll +15 investigation to find secret panel in wall
  • A boat load of Red Wizards of Thay were spotted arriving in PN a few months ago. They hired guides and headed straight out into the jungle
  • Zhentarim are very active in the Port. Mercenaries are hired as city guards, bodyguards, and protection for mining operations. They have a spy network call the Black Network. Believe they are actively looking for Artus Cimber. List of suspected Zhentarim members includes Rokah is an agent for the Zhents has an office in Tiryki Anchorage, River Mist and Flask of Wine, two Tabaxi Guides who operation out of tavens in Tiryki Anchorage
  • Yuan Ti spies active in the Port. Believe they may have infiltrated high levels of influence, safe house rumoured to be somewhere in the old city
  • Ytepkas are very quiet at the moment. There numbers are greatly depreciated. Believe there are members of the society in the Merchant Princes and important positions around the Port.
If the party investigates Ifan Talro'a or ask questions about the Yuan Ti then they will be attacked by the Yuan Ti spies   Rokah's office is at a warehouse dealing with importing and exporting goods. If they go to Rokah office and knock then he will welcome them in, point out that surrounding the building that there are many people watching so he wants no trouble. If they try and sneak around then guards will find them and Rokah will invite them up to his office. He knows who they are and says that the Zhentarim have eyes everywhere, especially the docks. He is interested in what the parties actual purpose of being in town is. He will say that he new Tana was a Harper agent and she knew he was a Zhentarim agent. They were actually quite pleasant to each other. Sometimes caught a drink together, never talked about work. He was sad to hear she was murdered and thinks that the sailor was a fall guy for it. Maybe Yuan Ti, maybe Artus Cimbar or someone looking for him.    Rokah offer the party a job to create a Distraction at Fort Beluarian. The Zhents believe that pirates have formed an alliance with the Flaming Fist. Rokah has orders to infiltrate Fort Beluarian and find proof so that the Zhentarim can blackmail the fort’s commander. He asks the adventurers to escort him safely to the fort and create a distraction so that he can ransack the commander’s quarters. He offers $200 as a payment.
Plot type
Side Quest
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