A tired Lord

After helping Phandalin and thus Lord Neverember, the Lord of Neverwinter sends an invitation to 'Phandalins Defenders' for thanking him but also in the matter of the storm that appeared a couple of days ago.

  Lord Neverember seems very tired and suspicious. He asks them where they're from, asking whether someone is from Waterdeep.

  If they are friendly and he finds them trustworthy, he thanks them for their help in Phandalin. He tells them that it is a hard task to rebuild Neverwinters glory and they greatly helped in that by driving out the orcs.
His goal is to bring trade back and act as a trading post between the north and south again as well as trading with their local wares of mainly wood and ore. He hopes that if this is successful, the crafting guild will be able to restore it's former glory, bringing even more wealth back to Neverwinter.

  He will hand them 60 PP (600 GP) and tells them that he would happily welcome them in his city, offering them a plot of land.
After this is dealt with he will tell them that it's time to turn to the grave matter of the storm in the south that has persisted for quite a while now. He will introduce them to his council and wants to hear all they know of it. Then he thanks them for their cooperation without telling them much of their plans.
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