Dealing with Intruders
A deep devotion in his heart, to spread chaos and avenge the gods that he swore to follow, a mighty orc wanders through the forest. Closely behind are two boars, acolytes to the storm god, following their earthly leader. Koruk, the right hand of Grannoc was tasked with dealing with the intruders in these lands.
Plot points/Scenes
1. Ambush at Dwarven Excavation - figured out it won't be that easy.
2. Tried to lure them to Butterskull Ranch - they were still too strong.
3. Was angry and wanted to lure them into an ambush at Loggers' Camp, since his anchorites were killed and couldn't report.
Now he is PISSED and wants to take revenge himself. They embarrassed him and his skills.
Orc attacks
Phandalin attacked
Rising Action
Spread of the orcs
Phandalin raided, delph killed
Falling Action
Conyberry readies, phandalin attacked again
Fight at Woodland manse
The party that arrives in Phandalin is viewed as a threat (as are all newcomers). Grannoc has instructed Koruk with dealing with them.