Phandalin Raided

The adventurers get woken up the next morning by a voice in the head of the person carrying the Sending Stone. Zeleen frantically tells them that a few hours past the orcs from Conyberry started moving out. They should have more than a day (12 hours) time until they arrive.

Plot points/Scenes


  Preparations, night comes, the attack begins, fight at the gate, attack from two sides, ankheg & orc reinforcements, encounters, retreat to the garrison, stormlight, final battle, wererat reinforcements (when needed)    

The Siege


Final preparations

Shortly after dawn, Zeleen will send a message that the scout just returned since the orcs have set into motion, she informs them that a force of orcs and boars has come from the forest and joined them in Conyberry.
They will be able to do the final preparations for the fight.

Attack by night

  If they sleep during the night they will get awaken a bit short of sunrise (full rest if they went to bed around midnight, otherwise short rest). They are told that a large army is marching towards Phandalin from the north.   Once the orcs are close, they will begin to shout in joy for the battle to come, they will howl and the party seems to hear Talos' and Gruumshs name a lot (The orcs are asking for help in bringing chaos). Suddenly there is silence. And a creature walks ahead (about 200 ft. out) and with a booming voice says: "You have been an annoyance from the beginning, now your doom is upon you. We will wipe you and this meagre town out of existence and turn the entire sword coast into chaos and storm." The army cheers and the three ogres start to run forward, overtaking the others.   There are at least sixty orcs and three ogres and about twenty boars, atop one boar, rides an orc that (if high enough perception) is missing an eye, presenting an ugly scar at the second eyes former place. He has fatty streaks of black hair, dark skin, almost purple. He has an aura that makes the air around him flicker.  

Fight at the gate

  The fight will start with the ogres attacking the gates (and eventually the ballista). The ogres are carrying great doors to shield them from arrows and projectiles. They seem to become more and more enraged. After attacking the gate for a few rounds, they will start to splinter and break. Koruk tells a group of boars along with an ogre and some orcs to loop around the town and attack it from the other gate.
  Barrage: Every round the orcs will attack with a barrage of javelins, attacking a 10 / 20 ft radius with javelins, every person within the 10 ft radius is attacked with two javelins, every person in the 20 ft radius with one. They are ten orcs (treated as one enemy) and on half their hp only the 10 ft radius remains and deals one attack.   As they try to hold the gate, they see that more and more of Phandalins inhabitants will fall (Lezre, Kalazorn, Micah, Arjhan, Some Farmer they never met). Suddenly from the side a group rushes in, Zeleen has brought seven wererat-brutes with her and fights alongside the party. At some point brendirt comes and tells them that strange insects climbed the south gate (do not let them split since fantasy grounds not built for that). A bit later, Adabra will come to them asking for help.  

Adabra escort

  Adabra will run to them and say that she saw Bran and his group were overwhelmed by a group of orcs and boars, she saw Fargrim fall and needs to go heal them but can't do so on her own. Once there they see Fildo dead on the ground while Bran and Gimethor holding off more orcs while Fargrim lies heavily wounded on the ground. If they bring Adabra safely to Fargrim she manages to bandage his wounds. She will give them a healing potion. "Helping Bran" encounter.  

Strange Insects

  Brendirt comes to them and tells them that through the north gate a group of strange insects are coming into Phandalin.  

Final Stand

  The majority of the townsfolk have retreated to the garrison, few struggle still in the town but soon retreat as well. Behind the few Palisades that were created here, the townsfolk try to hold against the still quite large force.  

Strategies and Targets

  The orcs will target Vaal a lot since he is an elf and they want to honor Gruumsh, they will also shout something containing 'Gruumsh' when they attack him (ie. 'For Gruumsh', 'Gruumsh help me slay that fell enemy' etc.)
Plot type


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