Encounter - Thalivar - White

If they enter the white fog, they meet an old man named Thalivar. If asked what he's doing, he tells them that he's just going for a stroll after a long day of studying. He tells them to be careful since there is no way of knowing what to expect. He asks them what year it is. And if told, he will say that it's sad that he probably won't remember them. If asked about that he'll say, "you can't know what the future holds apparently." They see a rupture and Thalivar walking into it. They see a room with cages made from a brass looking material having magical seals around them. In one they see a, to them unbeknown, creature resembling a tiefling but formed entirely differently. It seems as if it couldn't live the way it's body is shaped. In another cage he sees a dog-like creature. Black as night and suddenly it jumps from one side of the cage to the other, but did it jump? Thalivar turns around and says "don't follow me, you don't want to be stuck here". The yellow fog lifts
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