The Flakes of Neverwinter

The most honored members of Neverwinters wealthy factions are allowed to take seat in Neverwinters Council, the Flakes of Neverwinter.
Here they can give voice to their issues and assisst the Lord Protector if he is willed to spend hours in boring council sessions. In times of crisis the council can act autonomously in their respective positions such as Military Leader.
Neverember used to follow the flakes' advice more closely as they were crucial to his success in rebuilding the city but in recent years he rarely took advice in the ruling of the city.


Dagult Neverember calls for sessions, mostly on a regular basis, for the flakes to advice him and bring forth their issues. The members are of equal authority but do have specific tasks such as Coinmaster which is held by the merchant guild or infrastructure, held by the mason guild.


Merchant Cuild

Head of Infrastructure
Mason's Guild

Military Leader
City Guard General

Naval Captain
Harbour Master

Current Members

  • Sun of Lathander, Merrygold Birghtshin
  • Tymora, High Sister Jo
  • Head of Mason's Guild
  • Head of Merchant Guild (led by a group of noble families)
  • Head of Mining Guild (led by the Uderthafts, dwarf family, influenced by nearby dwarf kingdoms)
  • Harbour Master
  • City Guard General
Alternative Names
Neverwinter Council
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute


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