Blood Hunters Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Blood Hunters

“You listening, boy? I’m only gonna tell you once. This is how, word for word, ole Dolrik told me, so I reckon you’ll get the same.   Slayers ‘ave been around since Thyxus found the first scrolls in one of ‘em floating cities that fell from the sky. 332. Or was it 323? Oh, nine hells, it don’t matter. Long fuckin’ time ago. Brought them back, he did, studied them, and when he realized what he’d found, he hid them away, believing the sort of magic to be too dark to pursue. Of course, when the Baron of Blood became a problem, Thyxus, well, he did what had to be done. Baron got away, but Thyxus sent him off cowering and hiding, that’s for sure. Damn castle ended up full of all sorts of undead, so he took care of all that too. Found hemocraft to be particularly effective for the sort of work. Figured he was good at it. But he also knew the magic would be somethin’ terrible in the wrong hands so he up and burned the original scrolls, keeping the secrets to ‘imself. But what was he to with ‘em, eh? Baron had already killed his family, so he reckoned he had nothing else for ‘em there and started north, looking for work. For a few hundred years, Thyxus traveled across just ‘bout all of the damned continent taking on jobs and huntin’ monsters. Brought on a few folks he trusted and trained ‘em. Weren’t no rites or nothin’ back then, just a lot of learnin’. Lot a dyin’ too. Took a while to figure out how to use hemocraft without bloody, heh, killin’ yourself in the process.   Well, the next few centuries pass and by this time a few blood hunters has turned into a proper order, or somethin’ like it. Keep to the core focus on hunting spooks, ghouls, skeletons, anything that’s s’posed to be buried and ain’t. Course, by that time, the Kingless Years are winding up over east in Impiltur. 953, that year I remember, I know that year. Remember it cause 9 take away 5 is 3. With nobody calling the shots, the demons and fiends had been pouring out o’ their gates and causing all sorts of death ‘nd destruction for a damn near decade and matters were only getting nastier by the day. ‘nyway, the Order’s leader at the time, Tolcarth, didn’t want any of the Blood Hunters getting wrapped up in the chaos. But Ehmar, one of the lieutenants, disagreed with his commander. Had for years, but he'd finally 'ad enough. Pulled a mutiny of sorts, taking a handful o’ hunters and riding out east. Of course, once the hunters got there, they realized they ‘ere way in o’er their heads facing down all sorts of hell. Ehmar got half of his hunters killed before they’d even made a dent in the demons. Then, legends say, Ehmar was visited by a devil and made a deal. Power, secrets of hemocraft even Thyxus had never known, in exchange for him and all his men promising fealty to the devil herself. In what form or what it means for those hunters, us Profane Souls, they call us, well the devil’s in the details they say and those details got lost along the way.   So that’s two order’s explained. The other two splintered off shortly thereafter. The mutants split off when the first of their kind figured out a way to alter themselves and change the way their hemocraf' worked. Or somethin’ like that. Dolrik wasn’t clear when he talked about them. He was always a bit aggravated around the mutants, had a bad run in with one early on, I reckon. Maybe he was rejected by ‘em and settled on the deal with the devil instead. But of course the old bastard never talked much, so how am I to know?   Anyways, last of all, you got the lycans. Never been clear where the first one got the curse, but once they did, they realized the hemocraf' and their changing shapes went alongside each other and gave them some new control over their powers and so those who were willing to take on that new mantle broke off. As you can ‘magine, not many folks signed up for the curse. So the lycans are the rarest of the bunch both in number and in sightings, followed by the mutants, us, and then the slayers.   So there ya go, there’s all you be needin’ to know about the history of the Order. Over a thousand years of kickin’ ass and makin’ coin. Not a bad way to go, ‘specially when you got nowhere else to go, aye, boy? Alright, back to your training. I wanna see that dummy cut the ribbons by the time I get back from this negotiation, hear?”   - Grynson


The Blood Hunters divide themselves into four distinct orders, each of which possess their own unique powers through harnessing hemocraft.  

Order of the Ghost Slayers

The oldest and most established of the four orders. These blood hunters focus their efforts primarily on undead or other necrotic threats. Individuals of the Order are considered highly specialized and expensive problem solvers when it comes to the matters of restless spirits or dangerous necromancers. The Order of the Ghost Slayers are most frequently found in the central Sword Coast, between Daggerford and Triboar.  

Order of the Profane Soul

Having split from the Order of Ghost Slayers in the tenth century, the Order of the Profane Soul channel them hemocraft through a devilish patron, enhancing their arcane abilities and prowess in hunting demons. Little is known as to their origins, but none question their effectiveness when it comes to hunting monsters, especially those pouring out of the Abyss to reak havoc in the Material Plane. The Order of the Profane Soul is most recognized in the southern reaches of the Sword Coast between Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate.  

Order of the Mutant

Though smaller in number than either of the earlier established Orders, the Order of the Mutant is the standard by which all other Blood Hunters are judged. Traveling individually or in groups of two, these monster hunters utilize their blood magic traditions to push their bodies beyond natural limits and fulfill contracts wherever the work may be, save for those which require the specialties of other Orders. As frequent travelers, the Order of the Mutant members can be found typically anywhere along the Long or High roads, but are particuarly prominent in Neverwinter.  

Order of the Lycan

The most isolated of the Orders, the Lycans prefer a nomadic lifestyle, roaming across the Sword Coast and Silver Marches with the season's changes. Rather than taking contracts or formal agreements, the Order of the Lycans prefers to take matters into their own hands regarding threats in the wild, believing they ward off threats before they ever reach civilization and end up as a notice on a job board. Though other Orders have questioned their judgements over the years, their effectiveness is undeniable. Depending on the time of year, the Order of the Lycan can be seen wandering as far North as Ten Towns, as far south as Baldur's Gate, or as far East as the dwarven citadels to the east.  


Each order finds that the transformation, along with their other capabilities, provides extended life. Not unlike lichdom in this regard, members are able to live longer, but their bodies age at the same rate as their racial heritage. As such, any Blood Hunter who manages to live past their middling years finds their physical form begins to wither away, making them even more ostrachized from society than they already were. Few live so long, however.

Public Agenda

The Orders vary greatly in size, prominence, and worldview, but also hold to a set series of tenants from their origins in the fourth century. The tenants include the denouncement of necromancy, lichdom, and vampirism. While each Order takes on a variety of jobs or roles in society, they generally view themselves as the line of defense between this plane and unnatural forces which would bring destruction to the realm. Though their methods vary greatly among the Orders and from similar organizations, the Orders ultimately seek to protect the same civilization that rejects them as being something between a curiosity and monstrosity.


Each of the four Orders of Blood Hunters maintain strongholds secret to only members of the Order where new members are initiated and trained and undergo the rituals necessary to access the powers of hemocraft.


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