City of the Dead Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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City of the Dead

The Waterdeep Harper's Circle   The Waterdeep circle is located inside a raised crypt in Waterdeep’s walled cemetery, the City of the Dead. The crypt has two levels, and the name Myrna is inscribed above its entrance (which is sealed with an arcane lock spell). The topmost level is the crypt itself, which contains a stone sarcophagus watched over by a shield guardian that is trained to lift the lid whenever someone speaks the name Myrna aloud. The sarcophagus contains a stone staircase leading down to a magically lit room. The circle is on the floor of this chamber, which also includes a small study alcove and a cot for its attending mage, a pale wisp of a girl named Thestryl Mellardin (female human mage). She wears the shield guardian’s control amulet around her neck.


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