Craftsmen Collective Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Craftsmen Collective

"Bah! Any man can strike a rock. It takes an artist to see the blade within the chunk of metal and to draw it forth into existence. The forge is not for the faint of heart. You think you can raise your prices on us and all else stay even? No! If you want a better pay, bring us better materials. I hear there's some diamond down in that vein of yours. If you were to bring that here with your regular shipment and have Trizzak none the wiser, than perhaps we can make an arrangement." - Deventh of Clan Delmiriv, the Craftsmen's Voice   The conduits for much of the city's wealth, the craftsmen take the raw materials brought in from the mines and hills and transform these components into the masterworks and treasures of Avraathe's reputation the merchants then buy and sell and profit off of in the process. Most craftsmen manage to get on well enough with both the miners and the merchants, but don't truly belong in either world. Their long hours in the forges and workshops isolate them from the frivolous pomp and circumstance of the upper-middle class elites who look down on them for their manual labor. But their position within the city and "soft" jobs sever them from the miners and haulers and other functional positions. Thus, most craftsmen keep to their own, meeting in the nicer taverns in town to gamble, discuss new techniques, and to present a united front as the middleman between the two other major facets of the city's economy.


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