Gambling Games in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Gambling Games

In-Between 1 gp per round, 2gp payout. House rolls two d6. Players roll 1d6 and try to get a number between the two. If the house rolls sequential numbers, the players win if they roll either of the numbers.   Match-maker 1gp per round, 3gp payout. House rolls 2d6. Player rolls 1d12. Wins if their die matches the 2d6 total.   Gamblers' Brigade 5gp buy in from all players. Try beat the total score of your opponent. Roll as many d6's as you wish but if you roll a single one, you lose. Winner gets 80% of the pot.   Dice poker Each opponent bets the same amount (10gp to start) and rolls a 5d6 and keeps the result hidden. One round of stay, raise, or stand (fold). They choose to roll again any number of die of their dice pool. The result of the second roll determines the winner. 80% goes to player, 20% to the house.   Mason 20gp buy-in. Roll 6d6. Tally number of die which rolled a 4 or better. Take those die which rolled a 4+ and re-roll them, tallying which ones rolled 4+. Repeat until no die rolls 4+ Total number of die rolls over 4+. This is your score. Compare scores, highest score wins 80% of the pot.   Tymora’s Favor Dice game, 25 gold pieces minimum buy-in “Roll the dice and may Tymora be with you!” Rules: Players roll 2d6. If they add to a 7 or 12, the player wins. Gamblers can double the bet to add 1d6 to the total.   The Smiling Lady Rules: 50gp buy-in. Each player rolls 1d8, keeping the die hidden. Each player has the chance to raise the bet, call the bet, or stand. It continues when all bets are equal. Then each player rolls a 1d6, keeping it secret as well. A final chance to raise, call, or stand. Each remaining player rolls 1d4. They all reveal the 1d8, 1d6, and 1d4, adding them all. Winner takes 80% of the pot (the other 20% goes to the casino). Ties split the 80%. Sleight of Hand can give a reroll; Deception can force a fold.   Dwarven roulette 6 beer mugs are placed on a table, one of them contains traces of goblin piss. Two opponents take turns in choosing and drinking one. The player who gets the piss-beer loses. No sniffing allowed.


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