Hand of Yartar Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Hand of Yartar

The Hand of Yartar is an all-female thieve's guild in the riverfront city of Yartar.   The Hand prey exclusively on visitors to Yartar like traveling merchants or mercenaries passing through. The organization denotes residents or mainstay organizations who have purchased protection as "locals" and "off-limits," respectively. The buildings and carts of these individuals are so marked in a local variant of thieves' cant in an ink which is nigh-impossible to see in the day, but has a subtle glow in the evenings. Their targets, however, simply denoted as "guests," pay the "Visitor's Tax," which the Hand are more than happy to collect on their behalf.   Unbeknownst to much of the citizenry, much of the collected wealth the Hand acquire is poured right back into the city. These funds often feed the increasing population of street urchins, appear as anonymous donations for improving the city's infrastructure, and find their way into the hands of locals who experience a loss of some kind. The Church of Tymora often claims the goddess' blessing of luck upon the less fortunate as the source of anonymous generosity, a falsehood the Hand are happy to perpetuate to protect their own involvement.   Operating and congregating in the sewers of the city, a pair of sewer grates act as the main ways in and out of the underground tavern the Hand lovingly refer to as the "Wink & Kiss." Despite the subterranean location, the hideout is a lively and jovial experience, with members of the Hand reveling in their takes, celebrating their contributions, and gossiping about the going-ons of the city.   While day-to-day business has never been better for the Hand of Yartar, the thieves' guild suffers from the same infighting as the city as a whole from time to time. Currently, there are those who would see the organization take a more self-serving and opportunistic approach so as to lead with more influence from the shadows. This minority of opposition is led by Haliyra Ravenfast. Those who dissuade this line of thinking, led by Kestrel Hedgehopper, counter by saying such tactics would make them little better than the Zhentarim presence within the city walls.


The Hand of Yartar functions with a fairly diffused power structure. Five individuals are elected on an annual basis to handle various communal tasks, but all but one of the additional responsibilities do not come with additional authority over other members.  
  • Awarding: The individual charged with deciding the individuals or causes who should funds and facilitating the delivery of said funds.
  • Brokering: The individual charged with brokering new "off-limits" arrangements with organizations that transition from "guests' to more prominent or long-tenured members of the Yartar community.
  • Bookkeeping: The individuals charged with documenting the takes brought into the Wink & Kiss as well as the awards dispensed.
  • Demarcating: The individual charged with overseeing the signs of which properties and individuals are off-limits, locals, or guests.
  • Sustaining: The would-be leader of the Hand of Yartar by most members' perspective, this individual is charged with the over-arching task of ensuring the organization's ongoing survival and longevity. These responsibilities include working with the other elected members regarding their specific roles, settling the occasional dispute within the Wink & Kiss, and acting as a representative when dealing with the Waterbaron or other prominent members of the community.

Notable Members:

  • Haliyra Ravenfast, human. Blonde hair and sharp purple eyes. Often works in the Fishyard and is part of the dissenting opinions amongst the Hand regarding how to respond to the increasing pressure from the Zhentarim.
  • Naaren Dhest, human. Brown hair and a scar across her left cheek. Often works in the Fishyard and works closely with Haliyra.
  • Kestrel Hedgehopper, halfling. Currently in charge of Sustaining. One of the maternal leaders of the Hand.
  • Annelise, human. Currently in charge of Demarcating.
  • Karleta, human. Currently in charge of Bookkeeping.
  • Yrsa, elf. Currently in charge of Awarding.
  • Ilora, half-elf. Currently in charge of Brokering.
  • Sif, half-elf. currently in hiding given recent events.
  • Vanya, elf, currently missing.
  • Alyria, half-elf, currently missing.
  • Lisrien, currently missing.

Public Agenda

While the Hand has no official public agenda, the Waterbaron is aware of their existence and intent and is happy to allow them to work within their self-specified limitations as long as it serves the city of Yartar and thus her reputation as well.


The Hand of Yartar keep a well-stocked vault of their on-hand funds guarded in the Wink & Kiss as well as a copy of each signed promise of protection for each "off-limits" agreement in place. The Hand also boasts a presence of approximately 60 members, though they rarely gather in full force even within their subterranean tavern.

"A Helping Hand Helps Itself"

Guild, Thieves


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