II.1.2 The Thirteenth Table Plot in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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II.1.2 The Thirteenth Table

Session Preface

  During your conversation with Sir Isteval, the overcast afternoon has given way to night, clinging to the lingering moments of a dreary, grey twilight. Along the outer wall, guards wearing the same blue garb with the duke's symbol, a dagger dropping blood walk their rounds. They bear torches, burning a cheap, orange light, burning greasy rags that fill their air with the scent of rancid oil. Atop the wall and within, these sentries keep a vigilant watch, ensuring Daggerford remains safe from the myriad of external threats facing its hardfought security and order. Yet your work sets before you another threat - the dangers within the walls.   Your investigation of Gristaxadahn's vassal sends you next to Black Stone Inn in search of a merchant of illicit goods, a potential entry point into the underworld of Daggerford. As you walk through the city's narrow streets, the clouds that had hung heavy throughout the day finally open up as a steady drizzle falls. The few remaining citizens out of their homes pick up their pace, huncing their shoulders and keeping their eyes on the cobblestone street to avoid the little rivers of rainwater that start to form. The guards maintain their presence, pulling their cloaks overhead, grimacing beneath their hoods.   Tucking into Kauth Alley, you soon identify the Black Stone Inn by a crudely fashioned wooden sign dangling from a rusted chain. It swings idly in the breeze off of the river, creaking and knocking against the door frame.  

Session Summary

  Along the way to the Black Stone Inn, Pax and Aethuriel stop into the River Shining Tavern for drinks and to pick up intel on their illicit goods dealer. Speaking to Sam Fiddleheart, the gossip of a guildhall administrator, they learn the figure's name is Scorn, that he can be recognized by his left hand missing three fingers, and that his back-alley deals are one of the worst kept secrets in town. With this description, they continue on their way.  

Black Stone Inn

The Black Stone Inn is a ramshackle wooden structure where holes in the wall have been patched with scrap wood from emptied barrels or split chairs and stools. Small lanterns provide just enough light to see the rough silhouettes of a half-dozen individuals, most drinking alone. A pair of shadowy figures play cards at a lopsided table, snarling at each other in hoarse voices as they do. The room smells of mildew and the wet earth of the riverbed beyond the dock gate. There is also a dank humidity, as if the entire room has been soaked in stale beer and the wood left to rot. Behind the bar, a stout, pale figure with dark purple hair greasy and matted with long mutton chops turns towards you, the iris of his eyes reflecting the lantern’s light. No one else looks up as the door swings shut behind you.   Within the bar room, Pax (as Ephen, via his Mask) and Aethuriel purchase drinks, the menu consisting of 'piss' and 'orc piss' per the barkeep. They observe the room for a few moments before Pax joins a game of cards between two individuals, a dockhand and a blonde man wearing a wide-brimmed hat. After a few rounds, Pax presents a gold coin and inquires about business with a black market buyer. The figure opposite him removes his hat and pulls back a travel cloak to reveal he is a member of the duke's guards. He threatens Pax with arrest for soliticing illicit goods, but is happy to oblige him with an offering of additional gold. The guard points Pax towards a gloved, dark featured figure in the back who they confirm is Scorn of Seven Fingers.   Joining Scorn at his table in the corner, Pax assumes the role of looking to sell an Emerald of Elemental Summoning. Scorn seems to take interest in the item, but baulks at Pax's suggestion that it be "collateral" for information provided about the duke and someone who could give Pax additional intel about the underworkings of the city. Under Pax's growing pressure and Aethuriel's intimidating presence, Scorn breaks character, revealing himself to be an actor. He quickly mutters that the Knights should go to table thirteen at Lady Luck tavern to find Yaldronno. Scorn insists he was never here and bursts towards the door at a sprint. Pax manages to catch his hand and reclaim the summoning gem. At the other end of the bar, the guard trips Scorn and arrests him for impersonation and falsifying his identity. When Pax and Aethuriel leave the tavern, they see Scorn being dragged away, his face suggesting that this arrest is a worse fate than whatever he feared this Yaldronno would do to him.   On their way to Lady Luck Tavern, Pax casts invisibility on himself to scope out the room without detection now that his mask is inert for the time being.  

Lady Luck Tavern

  A jarring juxtaposition from the Black Stone Inn, the Lady Luck Tavern is a stone structure, recently renovated from the looks of it. Red velvet cloth adorns the walls with gold tassles at the ends and subtle patterns woven throughout. Chandeliers hang on gold chains over each of the ornate green felt playing tables with leather chairs surrounding them. The tables sit arranged in four rows of three, with all of them currently occupied by at least a few players. The sounds of merriment - clanking classes, raucous laughter, and cheers of good fortune - fill the hall.   Along the nearest edge, the bar stretches down the length of the room. Bright colored bottles of all shapes and sizes sit in neat rows. A young bartender shakes a drink over his shoulder, his dark loose curls bouncing as he does so. He wears a work shirt under an unbuttoned vest, his sleeves rolled up such that you can notice a dagger tattoo along his forearm. In a flourish, he pours the shaken drink into a tall, thin glass, the liquid swirling around in a multi-colored hue that seems to sparkle. He smiles and winks at the server across the bar from him who in turn rolls her eyes even as she can’t help but let out a grin herself and takes the drink to a guest across the room.   Once inside, Aethuriel orders the shimmery drink he had just seen from the barkeep, who he learns goes by Owenden. The two exchange slightly flirtacious pleasantries before Aethuriel sips his drink and immediately retches it and his earlier ales due to the disgusting taste. Owenden helps him clean the mess and assures him this happens and is simply a matter of bad luck, but wishes him the best in that the Bright Lady's favor turns around for him soon.   Aethuriel also introduces himself to Bando the Lucky the head priest of the tavern and shrine. He and Bando share their experiences as adventurers and compare notes of fighting lizardfolk. Shortly after Aethuriel sits and begins to play gambling games at a table, Bando makes a large show of an announcement, offering blessings and good fortune to those in the room.   Meanwhile, Pax seeks out the thirteenth table while invisible. During Bando's speech, he manages to follow a cart of food and drink into a backroom hidden by one of the red velvet tapestries. Within the employee lounge, he follows the employees pushing the cart down a dark hallway and observes them opening a smoke-filled room before watching them temporarily disappear and then return the same way they came.   Sneaking back in after a brief check-in of the main room, Pax discovers a storage basement downstairs with sealed, gated access to an underground tunnel. Following the original hallway to the smoke-filled room, he finds an arcane portal to another location. Stepping through, he sees a moment of starry void and then finds himself in a mirror image of the Lady Luck Tavern, but with only one table and a few guests surrounding it.   Seated at the table are four individuals. Yaldronno, a blue-grey firbolg in a red wine suit and a vest buttoned with platinum coins and silver trim. Bennir, an elderly dwarf who has given up pretense for comfort and wears red robes typically designed for sleep or a private residence. Lawrence, a thick and barrelchested figure who gives the impression of having come into money and not knowing what to do with it. And a half-elf woman who carries a curved blade at her side with long bangs and her hair pulled back.   After observing their game for a moment, Pax drops his invisibility, holding his deck up, presenting himself as having arrived in search of a great game and believing he's found it. Yaldronno, the first to speak, challenges Pax on this pretense between puffs of his cigar. The half-elf woman moves her hand to her hilt while the other two express surprise and disbelief, if not amusement. Among the other's reactions, Yaldronno cocks an eyebrow out of interest and curiosity and allows the events to play out. He sends Lawrence out for another round of drinks and allows Pax to sit in his place.   The four play a multi-player high-stakes variant of Pax's preferred game, Warriors & Wizards. Pax prepares his Paladin deck, while Bennir plays an Artificer deck, the half-elf plays a Wizard deck, and Yaldronno plays a Druid deck. Though Pax puts himself in a powerful position to win a crucial turn of the game, he misreads Bennir's hand and loses his most powerful card. He then tries to use this misstep in his favor with a well-timed bluff and recovery, but the half-elf counters his step. Pax is forced to soon concede the game with Yaldronno taking victory soon after.   As the game draws to a close, Yaldronno neatly stacks his new winnings, including a few dozen of Pax's gold coins, and cuts a new cigar. As he does so, he presses Pax for the true intent of his visit.   "You found your great game. But no one walks through that portal by accident or just in search of cards. You are clearly not a mindless mercenary here to bring harm. So, Paladin, just what the fuck are you here for?"

Session Overview

  Date Played:
May 22, 2023   Party:
  • Aethuriel
  • Pax
  Time Passed:
Marpenoth 19, 1493 PM - Marpenoth 19, 1493 PM   NPCs:
  • Sam Fiddleheart
  • Gildamesh
  • Scorn
  • Owenden
  • Bando the Lucky
  • Garik Honestone
  • Yaldronno
  • Bennir
  • Lawrence


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