II.3.3 A City Saved, A City Lost Plot in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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II.3.3 A City Saved, A City Lost

Session Preface

  Following the lizardfolk ambush, returning to your borrowed horses is an uneventful trek through the marshes. You ride on for the better part of an hour, where the soft soil gives way to the rolling hills beyond Daggerford's walls. Though Sir Isteval makes several pointed suggestions that you camp for the night and rest, Duchess Morwen is insistent. "I will not spend another night away from my city." she declares finally, with a hint of her former strength of rule returning to her voice. Sir Isteval gives a look of concern but concedes and the four of you press on towards Daggerford.   Miles pass slowly in the dark along the empty pathways west of the city, allowing for moments of reflection as you consider the challenges of recent days. Your thoughts are filled with the darkness that clung to the city, the cruel conditions of the catacombs, the harrowing descent into the dwarven citadel below, and the true nature of the would-be duchess and duke.   But there are moments of peace and tranquility as well. Eventually, the duchess nods off, sleeping against Sir Isteval's chest as he guides his mare with his arms wrapped around the duchess. You watch as flittering lightning bugs dance across the hills, as if stars flickered just out of reach. Whisps of clouds sway across the sky overhead, blanketing and revealing stars as they drift. Moonlight illuminates the path before eventually giving way to the horizon of purples and oranges of predawn.   Shortly before arriving at the gate, Sir Isteval brings his horse to a stop outside a simple homestead. He speaks with the middle aged halfing who greets him at the door and moments later, the two pull a cart up to Isteval's horse. Helping Duchess Morwen from the saddle, he guides her gently into the cart and hides her among blankets and other textiles. The Duchess makes some quick remark that brings a grin to Isteval's face, but you can't quite make out what was said. Turning to you, Isteval says, "Best we get a state of affairs before anyone sees her. I will take her to my home and make sure she receives the medical care she needs. Once you have an idea of what's happened in our absence and how to proceed, come find me and we'll speak further. "   At the gate, the guards allow the halfing and his cart, escorted by Sir Isteval on foot, entry without any complications. As you pass through the gates, you learn from one of the watchmen that Captain Llewellyn is expecting you and can be found at the ducal castle.  

Session Summary


Speaking with Llewellyn

  Arriving at the ducal castle, Pax and Aethuriel are greeted cautiously by a pair of guards who escort them to their captain. Pax, not disguising himself any longer, is prodded with the tip of a spear, his face recognized after years of propaganda and wanted posters touting the "Devil of Daggerford" moniker.   Once instead, Llewellyn clears the room so they can speak plainly. The companions confirm the duchess' return and her current health. The captain agrees to send an inconspicuous infirmary cart to Sir Isteval's to allow the duchess to return to the keep without being seen and causing more chaos in the city.   The captain then explains that in the eyes of the law, both Pax and Aethuriel, along with Sir Isteval, are cleared of all charges and bounties due to the nature of the succubus' conspiracy.   When asked about the catacombs, Llewellyn explains that following the death of the duke and would-be duchess, the jailers began to come to their senses, describing it as a cloud or fog lifting from their minds or as if they had been numb to what they were doing. As they led the arrested citizens out of the caves, a half-elven woman appeared and said that a merchant warehouse had been opened for them to quarantine in, because the demonic floral sickness was still a contagious threat that could be not spread further.   Llewellyn also explains that around the same time, a rumor began spreading through town that the duke and duchess had fallen ill with the same sickness and were quarantining in the castle. Llewellyn thought it best not to correct this misinformation given the circumstances.  

Speaking with Sir Isteval

  Returning to Sir Isteval's home, Pax and Aethuriel catch him up on the state of affairs. It's decided that a proclamation should be made during the dawnlight service to Lathander the next morning. In it, Sir Isteval will explain the conspiracy that had taken hold of the city and announce the return of the rightful duchess Morwen. Aethuriel presses that Pax also be explicitly exonerated of his reputation, especially because of his involvement in saving the city, but also because it was all based on lies of the succubus in the first place. Sir Isteval agrees, but it is Pax himself who initially dismisses the idea.  
  "It's not really important to me. I mean, it changed the course of my life. Strange closing of a chapter. But now there are so many more important matters at hand, other concerns, greater threats at play. Something a trivial as public sentiment doesn't bother or trouble me in the way it once did. I don't need the recognition.   Came here years ago to do a job and that job wound up taking part of my life away, but these things have led me back here, but I feel like even though we put some things right here, there's still a stain and hurt that will take time to heal, for me and the city. But the least important paprt is the recognition.   There were many vicitms of what took place. I am merely one of them. We've done our part to set things closer to the way they should be. But I still failed here years ago. Nothing changes that. But now I can start to put it behind me.   I was scared coming back here. Didn't know what I'd find or what opening this wound would do, but it's just a small part of our greater mission and I'm ready to move on."  
  When Pax suggests that he and Aethuriel should be heading out as soon as possible, Sir Isteval grants each of them a gift. To Aethuriel, he leaves his entire collection of records and documents on the Knights of Holy Judgment, knowing they will be of value to the order once they decide where and how they will rebuild themselves. He presents to exceptions to this offer, however.  
“I owe you my life. And so the best way I can repay you is with my life’s work - this collection of documents, records, and histories of the Knights of Holy Judgment and other similar organizations. I sense I will not have much time to maintain the collection in this new season of life.   And I want to thank you, not just for saving me from the demon’s clutches, but from the clutches of despair as well. I spent many a days thinking I had little left to give or that I wouldn’t accomplish much else with the rest of my life. You shook me right out of that and restored me. Thank you. And because of that, I want to share with you a particular tome, one I doubt you’ve seen before.   This is a biography of sorts, written by Yael, a scribe who served as a squire to Elzira, the founder of the Knights. The ferocity with which you fought and sought to make things right in Daggerford. I see something of you in her.”
  The second exception is the gift for Pax, a simple scroll that confirms the donation of a modest keep from the city of Elturel to Ehmar, the founder of the Order of the Profane Soul. Sir Isteval offers it with the hope that it will serve as a reminder that the blood hunters were once welcomed and accepted for their incredible sacrifice and service, not for the monsters some perceived them to be and that Pax can be a part of that sentiment returning. When Pax receives it, he immediately senses a dormant hemocraftic power within it.   As the two knights prepare to seek out Kaledus, the duchess comes downstairs insisting she will not be taking the infirmary cart and that they start working on the proclamation at once.  

Speaking with Kaledus

  On their way to find the warlock, Pax feels his collar pulled by an unseen force into the dark alley behind Sir Isteval's. Kaledus reveals himself, having been following them. "You have left my sight with the most powerful artifact this side of the realms twice now and it will not happen thrice." As the three discuss recent events, Kaledus confirms that he, via a deal with Yaldronno, was responsible for ensuring the demonic plague did not spread. In exchange, Kaledus must travel to Neverwinter to investigate a missing Githyanki who did business with Yaldronno by the name of Folio. Despite the recognition, the knights do not share any of their involvement.   The rest of the day passes quietly with the companions deciding to only staying long enough to hear the proclamation and then be on their way with Kaledus to Dragonspear Castle.  

Ehmar's Contract

  That evening, Pax examines the contract Istval shared with him. In the signature of Ehmar, he can read a hemocraft sigil within a flourish of the signing. Though not a literal translation, Pax understands it to mean "PEACE, FLEETING." When he touches it, an eruption of hemocraft magic takes hold and Pax experiences a searing pain and vivid vision (II.Lore Ehmar's Contract). Coming to, Pax prompty passes out into a night of restless sleep, his mind filled with past visions and other experiments of a similar nature.  

The Proclamation

  The next morning Aethuriel and Sir Isteval help prepare the courtyard in front of Morninglory Tower for the proclamation service. Setting up a stage in the rounds, Aethuriel watches as stained glass windows are brought into the square and light with cantrips to cast refractions of light across the gathering crowd.   Following the traditional service, Sir Isteval speaks at length with a renewed sense of confidence, revealing to the city the nature of the darkness that had fallen over them as well as the harbingers of its conclusion - Pax and Aethuriel. He describes their efforts to discover the duchess' conspiracy, defeat her and her minions, and free the true duchess from capture. He then offers a word of prayer and thanks to Lathander before presenting the duchess.  
“Lathander, you grace us with the light of the rising sun, a golden radiance in which hope warms the world with each ray of light bursting forth from the horizon. You guide us in times of darkness and have led us from a path of despair back to the ways of joy and peace.   There is much work to be done, many wounds to heal, and many losses to mourn, but in setting ourselves to these tasks, we trust that you will continue to light our way from dawn to dawn. We trust that in all things, you offer strength and resilience to meet the moment at hand, just as you have done in the dark days of old and of recent memory.   Guide us now through these days of new beginning and so we might show the world how radiant your glory shines. "
  The duchess then speaks at length of both the past darkness and the bright future ahead. She also goes further, publicly acknowledging Pax to be the figure known as the Devil of Daggerford, but that no such being ever existed, but instead it was lies and manipulation on part of the demon who led them all astray. She describes Pax, Aethuriel, and Sir Isteval as pinpricks of starlight breaking through the darkness that had fallen over the city and allowing Lathander's light to shine through. She announces the three as heroes of the city and welcome guests of the ducal keep forevermore. As she closes, she presents new colors and sigils for the city as a symbol of their new identity.  
“The navy was always too dark and dreary and now I fear it is forever associated with the darkness that fell over the city in my absence. Instead, we should have a bright blue - one of the river and of the sky on a perfect day. And a new sigil that highlights the strength and resilience of our people. Not a Dagger dripping blood, but of the strength of arm that wields the dagger.   It is said our city was founded the day Tyndal, just a young boy, defended his family on their way to market in Waterdeep from a dozens of lizardfolk with only a small blade We all know the legends and today, they ring true in the way this city continues to endure. For even when we could not see Lathander’s light, we help hope for the dawn.   And in such a way, this city has always survived - by the strength of love of its people. And everything from our name to our banners to our crest, should emphasize that simple truth. Here is to a new dawn and a new day in Daggerford! We will rebuild Daggerford. And once we have regained our footing, we will reach beyond our walls and tear down tyranny anywhere it may seek to set its roots, so guided by the ferocity of Tempus and the light of Lathander!”
  Following the speech, Pax and Aethuriel have a moment to bid farewell and express their gratitude to Duchess Morwen and Sir Isteval. When Pax aknowledges that these events represent the closing of a chapter of his life, the Duchess reminds him that, "it is not the closing of a chapter that matters, but what we do with the next one." With this idea in mind, the knights turn their attention to Gristaxadahn.  

Confronting Gristaxadahn

  Arriving via teleportation, the companions soon find themselves just beyond the threshold of the infernal lich's chambers. Kaledus reminds them that they are not here to negotiate with his patron, but instead that they are to deliver the artifact and that anything else would be foolish. Once they step into the doorway, it seals behind them and Kaledus departs for Neverwinter.   Inside, they find a massive chamber once used as a throne room or gathering hall. Along one wall are all sorts of alchemical equipment and experiments, included a dissecting demon on display. Opposite, rows of bookshelves serve as a personal library. At the far end, Gristaxadahn sits atop a stone throne, waiting for them.  
"Welcome to Dragonspear Castle, Aethuriel, the Watcher who does not see himself, and Pax, Heir of the First and Bastard of the Last."
  Before presenting the artifact, Aethuriel explains the catalyst for their visit, to know if Gristaxadahn was responsible for the disturbed Knights graves and if so, why. The lich confirms that is has been his doing and that these efforts were conscriptions into the armies of hell at the request of his patron — Zariel, the Archdevil of Avernus. As he speaks her name, he gives Pax a knowing smile. He confirms that his responsibility to her is keeping the armies replenished as well as guarding the portal to the Abyss that exists within Dragonspear Castle.   The knights also question Gristaxadahn's initial decision to leave the Order. He explains that the Knights, and the Blood Hunters, for that matter, only deal with the symptoms, rather than the universe's terminal condition, the unending chaotic ruin of demons. And so, unlike the courageous followers of Torm, he made the unthinkable but necessary decision to shed a part of his soul in exchange for the power to fight the war that they did not even see until it was too late. "Becoming a monster to fight the monsters," Pax acknowledges, all too familiar with the idea. "And with the same monster to thank," responds Gristaxadahn.   Lastly, the Knights inquire to the nature of the artifact itself. Gristaxadahn reveals that it is made from both the raw chaotic force of Ao's will and the sheer destructive force that exists within all demons. As such, the staff and even just this shard of it, represent tremendous raw arcane power that can be bent to the will of the wielder in myriad ways.   Having answered their questions, Gristaxadahn turns to the matter at hand. Noting that he would be a hypocrit to take the artifact without giving anything in return, he offers Pax what he believes will be of the most value to him — the truth. A small, worn book of black leather flies off the bookshelf and hovers before the lich. Only when they agree to this trade, does the book float towards Pax as Gristaxadahn draws the artifact to himself. Gristaxadahn telepathically tells Pax that he shares this book because of, "Were it might lead him and what it might mean for both of them."   When Aethuriel asks what Gristaxadahn plans to do with such a powerful artifact, the knights are surprised to learn that the lich plans to destroy it to prevent demons from flocking to it as they did in Daggerford. Suspecting their distrust of him, Gristaxadahn offers to have them join him and witness its destruction. They agree, and follow the levitating Gristaxadahn back to the teleportation circle.  

The Fall of Elturel

  After teleporting again, Pax and Aethuriel are immediately blinded by the sudden change in environments. They stand on a hill overlooking a shining city and not one, but two suns. Pax recognizes this as the Companion, the magical second sun that shines over Elturel. Silhouetted against it, they can just make out the infernal form of Gristaxadahn. With a thaumaturgic voice booming over the city, he declares,  
"Holy City of Elturel, your doom was destined the day the Companion appeared in the sky to burn away your own corruption. Today, that debt comes due."
  The artifact begins to spin violently over his head before it shatters with a booming crackle like that of thunder within one's own skull. An overwhelming wave of arcane energy radiates from where the artifact had been, knocking the Knights to the ground. On their backs, they watch as the Companion darkens into a black sun crackling red lightning into all directions. As dark clouds gather over Elturel, the lightning bolts strike, crumbling towers and parts of the wall. An earthquake trembels beneath them and the city itself, as if cleanly cut from the earth, begins to rise into the sky. Buildings topple over, collapsing back to the ground as individuals scream out in terror and confusion. As the city rises towards the Companion, there is a sudden burst of energy and both the Companion and Elturel disappear, leaving only the threatening stormclouds and the infernal lich hovering overhead.

Session Overview

  Date Played:
December 4, 2023   Party:
  • Aethuriel
  • Pax
  Time Passed:
Marpenoth 23, PM 1493 - Marpenoth 25, AM 1493   NPCs:
  • Sir Isteval
  • Duchess Morwen
  • Llewellyn
  • Kaledus
  • Gristaxadahn
  • Ehmar
  • Yael
  • Elzira


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