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KWN.Lore Dornavver, the Demonbane

Forged in the Year of the Wrathful Sword, 275 DR, by the legendary smith, Dornavver, for whom the sword was initially named, Demonbane's history has only recently been recovered and pieced together in this most recent edition of Relics of the Righteous. Long associated with the kings and queens of the kingdom of Impiltur, many of whom wielded the blade against the constant threat of fiends across their countryside, the legendary blade's history, and even its origins, spreads far beyond the nation's borders.   When the machinations of dark enchantments ran rampant across Faerun, the holy clerics of Impiltur made the arduous journey across the Heartlands to bring a force of righteousness to bear against the spreading evil. At the sacred Allyn's Anvil in the Almir Mountains during the Feast of the Moon, representatives of each member of the Triad sought the blessing of their respective deity through fervent prayer, dutiful fasting, and the decrying of the devastation wracking their homelands. Following the enchantment of the bastard sword, the priests presented the blade to the Order of the Golden Lion who to this day maintain a seat of power in Tantras along the Sea of Fallen Stars.   The sword's now iconic moniker originated from a conflict in Torsil, the lands now generally known as the Greenfields between the Cloud Peaks and Wood of Sharp Teeth. During the 4th century, an unnamed holy paladin of Torm defeated the tyrannical wizard ruler Uldoon and his ravenous army of fiends. These details, of course, have been popularized (and likely exaggerated, but academia has yet to supply sufficient evidence to this end) by the poem-turned-ballad "Uldoon's Doom."   Miscellaneous recordings now place this anonymous warrior and Demonbane throughout the Western Heartlands for the better part of the next half-century, after which the blade's whereabouts over the next several centuries remain a mystery.   Demonbane would not appear again until the Weeping War of the early 8th century when it was wielded by then paladin Sarshel Elethlim against the Army of Darkness during the collapse of Myth Drannor. In particular, Sarshel is denoted as having fought in the Battle of Snowsblood Trail and the Battle of Standing Stone's Blood in the Year of the Firedrake, 713 DR. These newly considered accounts appear courtesy of the recovered eyewitness account of this campaign by one arcanist, Landraul Skatterhawk, whose description of Sarshel's sword match that of Dornavver. It is worth noting other accounts have historically claimed that Captain Fflar Starbrow Melruth wielded Demonbane during Myth Drannor's fall to the fiendish army in the Year of Doom, 714 DR, though this is now drawn into question by the new information as well as the blade's later history.   In the following decade, Sarshel carried the now famed Dornavver during both the Triad Crusade and the Fiend Wars across Impiltur. Though not as widely regarded as the defeat of Uldoon, one could make the argument that the most significant event throughout the blade's storied history occurred during this era. On the brink of being overwhelmed by the unrelenting fiedish forces led by Ndulu, Sarshel ventured deep into the black stone labyrinth of the Citadel of Conjurers, destroying the Crown of Narfell, the same powerful artifact that had corrupted and extracted the souls of the royal lineage of the Narfelli Empire for centuries prior to their collapse. With the crown's shattering, the influence of Orcus and his fiendish lieutenants weakened significantly, leading to an eventual retreat.   It was at this time that Sarshel ascended to the throne of Impiltur, donning none other than the restored and Triad-blessed pieces of the shattered Crown of Narfell, whence named the Crown of Impiltur's Mercy. King Sarshel wielded Dornavver for the entirety of his reign after which both the blade and crown became regalia passed down throughout the Elethlim lineage.   Fifty years later, Demonblade next earned its name when the balor Ndulu returned once more to ravage the kingdom. Just as their father had before them, Araln, Essys, and Nord, colloquially referred to as the Paladin Princes, marched upon the fiendish armies, pushing them back to the gate of the Citadel of Conjurers. It was Nord who carried Dornavver and slew demons beyond count while Araln and Essys combined their arcane power to create a vortex portal into the Abyss. Though his brothers would both subsequently fall in the battle, Nord completed the work of driving Ndulu and his army through the portal, banishing them from the realm and subsequently destroying much of the Citadel.   It would be more than a century before Demonblade gleamed in the light of battle once more when King Beldred led Impiltur's forces against the lingering demonic threat during the Scouring of Rawlinswood. Following this thorough victory, the region enjoyed a near century of relative peace prior to the untimely death of Princess Aliia and the onset of the Kingless Years.   As the realm fractured into warring city-states and lawless chaos, advisor and Mage Royal Soargar made it his mission to preserve the treasures and artifacts of what is now "Old Impiltur" including both Dornavver and the Crown of Impiltur's Mercy, among others. Sources suggest this collection, known as Soargar's Legacy, included nearly one hundred magical blades and relics. Not until the early eleventh century did the Mage Royal grant the collection to Imphras I in the years just prior to the monarch's ascension. King Imphras I would wield Dornavver ceremoniously, but it was his first son, Imbrar I who would next carry Demonbane into combat.   Historians generally agree this marks the last note whereabouts of Dornavver, the Demonbane. In the Year of the Luminar Procession, 1127 DR, King Imbrar I along with his Royal Guard, led an offensive assault against the marauding hobgoblins of the Giantspire Mountains who had been invading Impiltur for the better part of the year. Details remain shrouded in mystery, but neither the Royal Guard, nor any of their enchanted weapons, were ever accounted for after. Some accounts place Demonblade in the hands of Lord Osper Wellhaven, the general and commander of the Royal Guard following the King's untimely demise, but even if this were to be the case, it still provides no further clues as to the fate of the Royal Guard nor Demonbane itself.   For the last three centuries, Dornavver remains lost even as Impiltur, now led by its Grand Council, slowly regains its former prominence and influence. Across the lands, it is said countrymen whisper with fervent hope and faith in the forthcoming return of the ancient blade and one who could wield it against the unremitting forces of darkness that press in on the lands of Impiltur.   As a final note, a word of gratitude must be extended to Othiiyr Velthrann, a respectable sage from the city of Tsurlagol in the Vast, who has nobly made his life's work the study of the magic swords of Soargar's Legacy. It was Othiiyr who first compiled many of the records and legends retold here.  
  • Thontoros the Learned, the Sage of the Just Gods

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