Lower City Settlement in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Lower City

Home to the common folk of Baldur's Gate, the Lower City is a crescent of steep sloped neighborhoods, winding cobblestone streets and a chaotic tangle of conjoined buildings with slated roofs. Many of the busiest thoroughfares are supported by bridges and buttresses to prevent the increasingly stacked tenenment buildings and other makeshift structures from collapsing. During the day, the Lower City is cramped and noisy, but falls eeirily quiet at night as the dense fog rolls in.  


The wealthiest and most fashion-forward portion of the Lower City, Bloomridge rests in the shadow of Upper City Walls south of the Steeps and east of the Manorborn neighborhood. Full of townhouses squeezed between boutiques and cafes many of which feature rooftop gardens or terraces that are bursts of color and life amidst the fog and dreariness of the city streetts.   Brampton
Nestled in the far eastern corner of the Lower City, Brampton is the most notoriously poor area of Baldur's Gate. It's reputation and location makes it the least desirable locale for Lower City hopefuls looking to elevate their status, but is an ideal spot for smuggling and other illicit activity.   Eastway
Home to the Basilisk Gate, Eastway is the primary way to move to and from the Outer City, catering to travelers and stragers with a myriad of inns and caravan supplies. The crowd of unfamiliar faces makes this neighborhood one of the more dangerous neighborhoods for being the victim of criminal activity.   Heapside
Between the Eastway and Upper City walls, Heapside is a mostly residential, middle-class neighborhood that also includes its share of shops. Heapside caters to the city's workforce with reasonably affordable homes that are aging, but sturdy and offers only a moderate chance of being assailed in the street.   Seatower
Tucked into the southwest corner of the city, the neighborhood is centered around the titular Seatower of Balduran and features a number of Flaming Fist residences, the best armorers and weaponsmiths in the city, as well as numerous dance halls, fighting dens, taverns and other opportunities for carousing.   The Steeps
Connecting the harbor and Upper City, the Steeps has secured some of the most lucrative storefronts and business from wealthy travelers. This attention also makes it the most likely to be visited by patriars and patrolled by Flaming Fists.  

Notable Locations



  Insight Park
Formerly an illegal junk yard, the steep hills were purchased by the druid Torimesh who nurtured the wildlife growing in and around the garbage. Now soft lawns and thickets grow, rusting away debris and providing a beautiful reprieve from the city in the Lower City. Torimesh lives in a tiny hut backed against the jutting outcropping of rock still known as Dumper's Rock. The most iconic feature of the park is the Drawing Tree which sprouted fully grown after only a few days and is of a species no one recognizes. When properly entreated by Torimesh, the tree's red bark cracks and curls away like parchment, revealing a prophetic scene rendered in the sap. The depictions are often cryptic, yet inevitably come to pass in some fashion.   Seatower of Balduran
Headquarters of the Flaming Fist. Standing on a rocky islet in the harbor, the fortress gives assailants from the water few means of access and is guarded by trebuchets along its five towers. These Gondan designed siege weapons can not only defend the harbor, but reach the far side of the river as well, providing additional and necessary defenses to Baldur's Gate from all directions. Approximately a hundred Flaming Fists occupt the fortress at a time, along with the residents of the Officers' Tower. At the center, a vast armory stores every weapon the mercenaries could possibly need alongside trophies of past campaigns, a library of martial texts, and other resources. The tower also serves as the city's prison with three levels of dungeons where particularly troublesome inmates are held in the Swimming Hole, a flooded and lightless shaft of stone. So unpleasant are these long term cells that soliders are often punished with the duty of guarding the cells.   Sewer Keep
When the city's booming population led to concerns of polluting the river with an inundation of sewage, a group of patriars funded druids to build and magically enchant the Sewer Keep to intake and treat the city's sewage before it passed into the river. The facility is a vast array of three towers built into the walls at the western edge of the Seatower neighborhood, but is a shadow of its former self where it was once an ecological and magical marvel of ingenuity. A crew of druids known as the Sewerkeepers continue to operate the facility, but its a poorly kept secret that they also operate other activities such as smuggling through the network of tunnels as well.  

Merchants & Business

  Baldur's Mouth
Supported in every part of the city and across all social circles, Baldur's Mouth is the primary news source and gossip rag for all of Baldur's Gate. Their popular broadsheets are sold by latern bearers and announcers who shout story headlines at passerbys. Ettvard Needle runs the operation from a modest warehouse in Heapside. Needle is always looking to hire adventurers as "investigative reporters" to look into rumors of strange happenings or procure evidence of corruption within the city.   Candulhallow's Funeral Arrangements
Operated by the moon elves of the Candulhallow family and led by Leylenna Candulhallow, this business is most commonly associated with the corpse carts pulled throughout Baldur's Gate. Agents of the family pull these hand-drawn wagons of shrouded loads to the Shrine of the Suffering or cemetaries beyond the city walls, largely funded by small city stipends and donations from the grieving.   Counting House
The primary bank and currency exchange of Baldur's Gate, the Counting House has been a center of trade for centuries. Formerly a fortress, the building is made of thick, reinforced stone walls and maintains a defensible and heavily guarded presence along the waterfront. Rarely do visitors see beyond the ground floor, but it contains an additional two floors of windowless offices on its upper floors as well as a spiraling labyrinth of cellars and vaults below. The key treasurer is the gold dwarf Rakath Glitterbeard, who also leads the city's banking crew, the Honorable Order of Moneylenders from the Counting House as well.   Eastway Expeditions
Run by the tiefling Scalm Shilvin, the store buys and sells new and used expedition and exploration equipment of varying quality. In the height of the popularity of Chult exploration, Eastway Expeditions outfitted numerous groups of Baldurians heading south. Few returned, leaving many to wonder whether the "jungle proof" or "dinosaur-deterring" claims were of any merit. After several notable patriars went missing, the government stepped in and institutied a ten-day waiting period to deter over-eager would-be adventurers. Scalm has picked up other work in the meantime, often helping individuals looking to make a hasty way out of town.   Felogyr's Fireworks
Recognized across the Lower City for the colorful smoke constantly streaming from various chimneys and vents atop its four-story stone structure, this shop maintains a longstanding monopoly on smokepowder in Baldur's Gate. While the smokepowder itself is reserved for Council and craftsmen of Gond's High House of Wonders, the store offers many other alchemical ingredients and equipment to the public at large. It also sells minor illusion enchantments and equipment like torches of colored flame, smoke grenades, and more.   Harborside Hospital
In the aftermath of a widespread outbreak of deadly plague, Baldur's Gate shifted from the afflicted going from church to church seeking healing to providing a central location for medical treatment for those who cannot afford house calls or private appointments. Now, many of the churches send clergy to work the hospital and although one's coin still determines the quality of care, there is now at least a place those in need of aid know to go for treatment. Perpetually understaffed, the hospital is a constant security threat and rumors persist of unethical experimentation that takes place.   Hissing Stones
A stone bathhouse in the Seatower neighborhood, one of the oldest buildings in the area. It features heated pools, echoing halls, and beautiful tile mosaics. Considered by all to be a neutral, safe, and private meeting place, Hissing Stones holds a crucial place in the politics of Baldur's Gate. Proprietor Merilyn Allaryr and her highly trained staff ensure all clients retain nothing but their provided robes and strict rules against violence are strictly enforced. It is also the defacto headquarters of the Reveler's Union.   Jopalin's
While the building was before a seedy dockside tavern, it has since been converted into an upscale and popular teahouse. When Jopalin transformed the business he inherited from his father, many were surprised to see the success of his operation, but his shop remains busy and his special house brew in frequent demand. Jopalin himself lives above the tea house in an unassuming loft.   Smilin' Boar
Tucked into the Bloomridge neighborhood, this diner serves salaciously renamed breakfast foods throughout the day. Proprietor and cook Jentha Allinamuch prides herself in the stir it has caused among her neighbors and that her restraunt is frequented by residents of all neighborhoods within the Lower City and even the occasional patriar, even if they disguise themselves so as to not be seen slumming it among their lessers.   Sorcerous Sundries
A wide dome of stained glass casts refracted, multi-colored shafts of light across the multiple floors of open-air storefront filled with all sorts of curios and common magic items. The eccentric Rivalen Blackhand manages the store and is a savvy bargainer for wares and trinkets brought back to Baldur's Gate by adventurers or Chultan expeditions. He is aided by his wizard apprentice, Gilligunn.  

Temples and Shrines

  Shrine of the Suffering
An unassuming shrine to Ilmater that stands in a small, quiet square filled with the meager belongings of the Lower City's homeless population. Free meals and coin sufficient to pass through the city gates are offered to the needy here by the beloved halfling priest Brother Hodges and his family. Their efforts are supported by donations from Baldurians of all rank and social status. Behind the altar of the shrine, a series of crypts extend and at several points intersect with the sewers. For those who have no other way to provide their passed loved ones a holy-ground burial, for a small fee, the corpses can be deposited here, and when sewer rats have picked the bones clean, those remains are then provided a more dignified final resting place in the ossuary attached to Ilmater's shrine.   The Sanctum
Known to Brother Hodges and a select handful of outsiders, the Order of Profane Souls maintain their base of operations magically hidden within the crypts of the Shrine of the Suffering. The space consists of cramped subteranean rooms used for training facilities, a simple barracks, and private chambers for the order's leadership. The connection to the sewers allows the blood hunters to move subtlely through or in and out of city as needed.   The Righteous Hand
Initially founded in the Brampton neighborhood to be a shrine to Torm to accompany the True Temple in the Upper City, this Tormite house of worship found itself transformed into an orphanage when parents began leaving orphaned children at their doorstep, trusting the Tormites were too dutiful to let anything happen to them. As this trend continued, the Tormites dedicated themselves to meeting the community's need and repurposed the temple. Always stretched too thin for resources and space, the orphanage has been overrun since its inception. The Tormtars do their best to instill the values of loyalty, courage, duty, and hard work into those who stay with them, but can offer little else in terms of development.   Water Queen's House
The oldest temple in Baldur's Gate that sits atop a pier, though its stone walls spill over the pier itself into the waves and river mud below. At the tip of the pier rests a massive fountain depicting a sinking ship as water sprays high over it, a reminder to the faithful the cost of failing to appease Umberlee. Allandra Grey leads the temple with her waveservants. Those who wish to make donations or offerings ring a bell at the door, never stepping inside the temple itself. Many of the tithes that do not go to supporting the church itself are ceremoniously carried in procession down crumbling, moss-covered stairs that descend into the murky water below. After the waveservants disappear beneath the water, they return moments later empty handed. Rumors abound as to what becomes of the treasures disposed of this way.  

Taverns & Inns

  Blade and Stars
Originally named for its enchanted wooden shield sign, the Blade and Stars is a comfortable inn in the Eastway neighborhood. Recently, the shield has gone missing along with one of the owners, Aurayaun. Her wife, Lupin, has loudly expressed her belief that its disapperance is the result of of foul play.   Blushing Mermaid
Infamous along the Sword Coast, the Blushing Mermaid is universally known as the best tavern and inn for those looking for brawls and chaos. Named after the life-sized wooden mermaid (which has dozens of blackened, withered hands nailed to it, the recompense for patrons who refused to pay) hanging above the reception desk, the building is a confuzing maze of hallways, interconnected floors, and shabby rooms as well as multiple levels of cellars. Many of these chambers are rarely used as guest rooms, but instead serve as de facto offices of the shady characters of the city looking to conduct business in the shadows.   Elfsong Tavern
One of the most popular taverns in Baldur's Gate. Not quite as prone to brawls as the Blushing Mermaid, it still maintains a rough crowd of clientele. One reason for the comparatively subdued crowd is the namesake performance. At seemingly random times and with some infrequency, a disembodied elven voice cuts through the noise and sings a haunting, sad song. The presence is potent enough to magically dim the lights and bring many a hardened Baldurians to tears.   Garmult's House of Mastery
Part alehouse and part martial training school, the House of Mastery is a wide three-story building that leans precariously over the street in the Eastway neighborhood. It's become a central hangout for the Bannerless Legion Crew. The atrium is often filled with friendly sparring matches and locals looking for bodyguard or mercenary work.   Low Lantern
An old, three-masted ship in the eastern side of the harbor in Stormshore Street Dock, Low Latern is a notorious festhall and tavern built out of the no longer seaworthy vessel in desperate need of repairs. On nights of fair weather, the upper deck is an open air gathering space lit by overhead lanterns, while the lower deck serves a more raucous crowd. Both decks, however, feature gambling tables and various opportunities for placing wagers on all sorts of games of chance.  

Prominent Residences

  Mandorcai's Mansion
Considered by many to be a blight in the otherwise upscale neighborhood of Bloomridge, the mansion appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the night atop a previously empty lot. Local legend tell of the eccentric, brooding wizard Mandorcai who arrived alongside the manor, as well as the day the manor seemed to suddenly fall into disuse just as quickly, looking as if it had not been occupied for years. At the same time, mysterious invitations to the mansion found their way to various residents. Those who entered never returned. When investigated by the Flaming Fist, only a few returned and spoke of nightmarish visions.   Seskergates
A tall and gaudy mansion once home to the Sesker family of merchants. Shortly after the last member of the family passed away, a mage by the name of Imbralym Skoond bought the place to use as a magical workshop. While Skoond himself is rarely home, he often maintains a handful of alchemists apprentices who maintain the workshop.


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