MA.1485.1 The Coven of Bottleneck Bog Plot in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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MA.1485.1 The Coven of Bottleneck Bog

Session Summaries

  • Hawk, Tristain, and Thaust learn that a Triboar family's youngest son Taylor has been kidnapped by a strange horned bird creature and carried off towards Neverwinter Wood
  • The party track the creature to the woods and manage to defeat it
  • After an encounter with a less well-intentioned party of bounty hunters, the party learns that Taylor was rescued by three women living in a nearby bog
  • The heroes attempt to save Taylor, but when the conversation turns threatening, the adventurers are overwhelmed by the collective power of the coven
  • Soon after this defeat, the party returns along with the aid of Bobo and Amarin and reclaims Taylor from the hags, defeating the coven in the process

Misc. Notes

  • In their gratitude and relief, Taylor's family, owners of build a small shrine to Tyr.
  • The party meets the Romelo family of performers who travel the Long Road and have a patron in Mirabar.
  • The party also meets Harriet, female Illuskan and proprietor of Uldinath’s Arms in Triboar.


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