MA.1486.0 The Year of Settling Grass Plot in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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MA.1486.0 The Year of Settling Grass

It’s the 30th of Nightal, 1485, The Year of the Settling Grass. The sun sets with gentle purples and reds cast across the clear sky.   Gil Stonepiercer, the newly appointed leader of Durindale, stands alone atop a hill. Looking over rings of small houses and the looming guild hall built up around his laboratory, Gil’s heart swells with pride. In a matter of months, he has witnessed his once-ruined home revitalized into a thriving community of adventurers. The bone-ridden streets are now bustling with life. But tonight, he is not here for the view.   Down below, in the courtyard of Durindale, a blue dragonborn shouts,   “Brother, get your nose out of your book or you're going to miss it. Come on!”   “Yes, yes, but this letter from Crystophis’ archives is rather intriguing. Supposedly, Runed Gems were thought to have been rendered inert by the Spellplague. It’s a fascinating theory.”   “Well, you can tell me all about it on the morrow, but it’s Deepwinter’s Eve, which means we are celebrating with drinks and stories, not books and theories!”   With that, Vorotruun smirks at his brother Parathrax, carefully closes the book, and let’s his gaze wander off into the dark blue sky.   As the last chords ring out, the half-elf looks up from his lute. The audience pauses for a moment, and then in one motion breaks out into a roar of applause. For they know it is rare that the innkeeper provides them with both drink and entertainment. But tonight is a special event. Taking in the moment, Davan glances out the window. Seeing the now darkened sky, he bows gracefully and leads his guests into the courtyard.   From the alley between two cottages, a tiefling leaves not but a shadow to be seen. She scurries up the wall to her right, lifting herself onto the roof. From here, she gracefully leaps to the Waystone Inn’s second floor. Using a window one of the guests left open, she launches herself up to a handhold in the stonework. With a flick of her tail, she swings herself towards a third floor windowsill. She reaches skyward, pauses, and without a sound, effortlessly springs herself to the roof. Era spins and places her back against the chimney whilst thinking to herself “yes, this will be the best view in all of Durindale.”   Looming over the crowd of commoners and adventurers alike, the First Speaker of Neverwinter is thrilled to see so many of his closest friends in one place. For Second, it is the first chance to show off his new cape, an ornate and beautiful piece of tapestry, threaded with purples, blues and golds. It details his second coming, his overthrowing of the evil blood mage Anguin, and his peaceful guidance of Neverwinter since. As he pulls the cape around him in the winter night, more out of custom than for warmth, he can’t help but smile as he is surrounded by his cape, and more importantly, by his friends.   From his hill beyond the patched stone walls of Durindale, Gil lights his torch and uses it to ignite the first fuse. The fuse hisses as it races to the first casing and before Gil has time to turn around, the show has begun. The dwarf smiles, knowing Matilda would be proud of her son and his new invention.   The clear dark sky is pierced with crackling, fizzling explosions of color. Eruptions of purple, pink, blue and green dart across the sky like shooting stars. The booms and pops of the fireworks in the sky are followed by “oohs” and “aahs” echoing from the courtyard.   This night feels much like any other during the Year of Settling Grass. A night of new life growing over the fields of war. Of deep breath after a plunge into frigid water. Of journeys begun and answers found. Of peace, at least relatively speaking. But this momentary reprieve would not last.  


  • Opens school
  • Crafts Wizard's Spectacles


  • Helps rebuild Durindale


  • Trains and enters pit fighting competitions


  • Pit fights in Bargewright Inn
  • Manages to beat the local favorite champion of Bargewright Inn and is kicked out of town

Bolluck Tuggers

  • "Performs" in Triboar, Longsaddle, and Neverwinter
  • Forms a three-piece band


  • Opens the Stoneway Inn
  • Performs in Neverwinter frequently

Dimble Duren

  • Aids in the rebuilding of Durindale


  • Joins the Neverwinter Thieve's Guild
  • Becomes proficient in poison kits
  • Creates more disguises
  • Teaches Maey stealth


  • Oversees the recontruction of Durindale
  • Makes improvements to Matilda

Greycastle & Pup

  • Recuperate from the Necropocalypse of Waterdeep
  • Become Summerstriders of the Emerald Enclave
  • Accept a post in Goldenfields leading a band of enclave guards and protecting the town


  • Researches monsters and monstrosities
  • Takes on contracts in the region for hunting creatures


  • Searches for other followers of Bahamut without much concrete success
  • Aids Vorothruun in building his library
  • Keeps an ear to the ground for news of Avraathe

Rydan Hawk Hawkwinter

  • Hawk performs as Nightingale in Triboar, Red Larch, Neverwinter, Longsaddle, and Yartar
  • Nightingale becomes a household name for locals in Triboar
  • Hawk researches and collects a number of poison ingredients throughout his travels
  • Meets Sarphen, poison brewers and herbalist in Yartar through a Nightingale performance


  • Becomes First Speaker of Neverwinter
  • Becomes a Cleric through existential travel
  • Creates THIRDS
  • Installs Bag of Holding in chest
  • Sends "Condsaders" to spread his influence


  • Sets up a makeshift Harpers outpost in Durindale to keep track of events along the Long Road


  • Helps with the reconstruction of Durindale
  • Prays and trains in his familiar routine


  • Builds a shrine to Tyr in Durindale
  • Trains and becomes proficient with longswords
  • Trains as an apprentice blacksmith with Haphned, proprietor of Haphned's Hammer in Longsaddle
  • Helps village guards in nearby areas during downtime


  • Builds a personal library in Durindale
  • Studies Dwarvish, Signaldry, and Rune crafting
  • Travels in search of information on Ragnalla


  • Searches nearby ruins and caves for magical items
  • Acts as Barakas' hype man in his pit fighting efforts
Plot type


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