Mercato's Maps Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Mercato's Maps

"Ah, well met adventurer! You look to be the sort of person who knows what they want from life. Quite so! But to get to what one wants, they must first know where they are going. And how better to discover where you're going than with one of my own personal maps? The name's Mercato and I promise this carefully constructed cartographic creation will lead you precisely where you want to go. And what's more, you may discover entirely new desires along the way, all thanks to Mercato's Maps. Remember, make your way the Mercato way and you'll never be lost, not even for a day. So what'd ya say?"
— Mercato Maps Representative #45
    Named after the most illustrious cartographer of the past century, Mercato's Maps is often one of the first businesses to welcome visitors to any city or town across the Sword Coast. Whether one is in need of a local map or not, a representative of Mercato's Map can be found at nearly every gate to every stop along the High Road and Long Road alike. In an effort to always tie their endeavors back to their famed namesake, each team member dresses as the original Mercato himself, recounting a spiel of his accomplishments and highlighting the value and accuracy of the maps provided while in character.


The Chief Executive Cartographer, Nicolas, serves as the head and current public face of the company. He serves alongside the Board of Directors to ensure production maintains on a steady schedule, manage the supply chain operations, and secure further business development opportunities. Regional offices located in Waterdeep, Neverwinter, and Silverymoon manage the more local staff members and sales representatives stationed in their cities and neighboring communities. In each town, a local manager is charged with the scheduling, hiring, and training of their own team of sales representatives.


Above all, the business's brand name and brand recognition gives it a considerable competitive edge over any other similar ventures. In addition, the magnitude of their production capabilities to quickly iterate and update maps with even the smallest change in a given community's layout render other operations unable to keep up. Finally, the ubiquity of the organization's presence make them a consistent and clear choice for frequently traveling customers.


Appearing seemingly overnight in the mid 1490s, Mercato's Maps rose quickly into a prominent and profitable venture. Fortuitously, their launch occurred serendipitously with an increase in travel and reestablished mercantile routes following several years of tumultuous unrest including a giant uprising.

"Make Your Way the Mercato Way"

Corporation, Business
Alternative Names
The Mappers


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